Sadie Robertson and Kolby Koloff highlighted the value of dressing modestly in week four of their video devotional series, encouraging listeners to respect their bodies in a message called "Modest is Hottest." A&E's "Duck Dynasty" star and her best friend are passionate about pursuing the Lord's ways in a world where following Him makes you different.
"If you respect your body enough to put modest clothes on, then more people will respect you as a person," Robertson began. The sixteen-year-old believes that modesty is often misunderstood in our culture - "people think [that] if you're modest then you're not cool or something, but that's not true," she says. She recently designed a fashionable modest clothing line with Sherri Hill, to be released in the spring of 2014.

The girls read from 1 Corinthians 6:20 -
"For God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body" (New Living Translation).
"Jesus dying on the cross was a pretty high price to pay," said Koloff of Christ's loving sacrifice on behalf of those who would turn from their sin and wholeheartedly place their faith in Him. Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth and lived a completely righteous life, then chose to let His blood be shed on the cross in order to pay for our sins (see Romans 6:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:21). He died, was buried, and was raised from the dead three days later. Jesus Christ offers forgiveness and eternal life freely to all who would receive Him (see John 1:12 and Acts 10:43).
"By disrespecting your body, you're disrespecting God because He made you," says Koloff. She cautioned girls that while trying to attract the opposite sex with their body might bring about flirtation, young men won't likely want to take immodestly dressed women home to meet their parents. In fact, Robertson says, many guys are more attracted to women who respect their bodies.
Modesty springs from the heart, and goes beyond a person's dress. God calls believers to walk in humility, and calls both men and women to have modest speech, clothing, and conduct.
Robertson and Koloff hope to encourage others to follow the ways of the Lord in "The New Different" weekly devotional videos, released Mondays on YouTube.