Donald Trump Says His Hair Is Real Yet Again

Donald Trump talks hair once more.

Donald Trump is a household name thanks to his business deals and his ability to stay in the media spotlight no matter what.  Part of the success of the Celebrity Apprentice host is built upon image, and there is no image of Trump that is stronger than that of his hair.  With all the speculation that his hair is not real, a recent video has Donald bringing up the subject yet again. 

According to Business Insider, the real estate mogul and reality television personality answered a series of fan questions in a Facebook video, and one of them was about changing his famous hairstyle.  His response was a definite no, as he didn't think NBC would like it.  Of course, with the suggestion of his hairstyle changing, there was already questioning on if the hair was real. 

Trump also stated that his hair is real, which is one of many times he has had to prove this.  Last August, Mediate reported that Donald Trump did that ALS ice bucket challenge, and had both Miss Universe and Miss USA dump cold water on his head, while he was wearing a suit, by the way.  It would appear that none of this golden hair fell off during this time. 

There was another event that took place July of last year, when Trump was vising Turnberry in Ayreshire, an iconic golf resort that he recently purchased.  When his own helicopter took off, there was a lot of wind going in his direction, but his hair remained on, according to Daily Mail.  The course has been named "Trump Turnberry", and Trump has pledged about $170 million to renovate the hotel that overlooks the golf course.  Even this accidental stunt is not enough to quench rumors about a possible toupee. 

Two years ago, Barbara Walters asked if Trump's hair was real, and Donald allowed the news mogul to run her fingers through his hair.  Joan Rivers also did the same thing shortly after. 

Trump concluded the Facebook video with "It's my hair, believe me!  I don't know, it just seems to work".  An article from Pop Dust last year attempted to settle this when it published a quote from Dr. Sean Bednam, from Dermatology and Hair Restoration Specialists.  After studying over 300 photos of Donald Trump, he arrived at this conclusion: "Donald Trump did not have a hair transplant, and, he doesn't have a toupee. This is all his own hair, and it is exactly how he styled his hair when he was younger."

The Facebook video also showed that Donald Trump said that he is "very, very strongly" looking at running for president in 2016.  I suppose he would join the ranks of Ross Perot for businessmen with presidential aspirations.  If that happens, there will be more news about Trump than just his hair. 

Trump's series of The Apprentice is currently running on NBC after a hiatus last year, and it is one clear place where Trump enjoys the spotlight, even in the midst of celebrity guests.  Trump's children, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric are serving as advisors, along with the one and only Joan Rivers.  Rivers' segments were filmed before her death in September 2014.