Everyone loves a David vs Goliath story, but sometimes, the David in question is a divisive figure right down the middle, as opposed to being a man after God’s own heart as the Biblical shepherd boy and king was described in the Bible. Donald Trump’s victory in the recently concluded US presidential elections had caught many people off guard as he was deemed to be the David in the battle. Now that the dust has settled, how are we as Christians supposed to react? While each of us have an opinion on that matter, how have our Christian leaders responded to Trump being the next US president?
Matthew Lee Anderson, who is the founder of Mere Orthodoxy, has this to say. “As one who opposed both our major party candidates, I am glad that the campaign is over and hopeful that America will endure the four years ahead. … Yet while the hope I feel is real, I have not lost any of the skepticism I have frequently registered about the effects of a Trump presidency on evangelicalism, on racial minorities, and on America. That skepticism will not be alleviated for a long time to come.”
As for the Chaplain of the United States Senate, Barry C. Black, he mentioned, "Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States, and I feel grateful, optimistic, and satisfied. I feel grateful because 1 Thessalonians 5:18 admonishes, ‘In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus.’ I feel optimistic because of Romans 8:28: ‘in everything God is working for the good of those who love him, who are the called according to his purposes.’ I also feel satisfied because Philippians 4:12 declares, ‘I have learned in every state to feel contentment.’ In short, after the election of any president, as a person of faith I know I have nothing to fear."
Richard J. Mouw who is President emeritus and professor of faith and public life, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, shared, “Given my political preferences, my feelings right now border on despair. But I also know that people whom I admire—even love—voted for Mr. Trump. How do we talk together now about the deeper issues without mutual accusations? What hopes and fears accompanied us into the voting booths? How do we love each other in continuing to work together in the service of the only true and righteous King?”
What about Franklin Graham? He did mention on Facebook that "The only hope for the United States is God. Our nation’s many sins have permeated our society, leading us to where we are today. But as Christians we can’t back down from our responsibility to remain engaged in the politics of our nation." No truer words than these, perhaps, as he did not express explicit support for either candidate before the election.
Billy Graham's granddaughter, and daughter of Franklin Graham, also known as Cissie Graham Lynch, chimed in on the situation by saying that she is on "a new mission" with President-elect Donald Trump moving into the White House soon. Lynch mentioned that Christians should take this watershed moment to unite and heal a nation that is hurting and tattered. She shared her heart out, "The last year, you could really just feel the fire in people's hearts. I see it every day. I have friends who wouldn't even tell their family members who they were voting for. We're already a divided country for many reasons. We can look at the popular vote in this country. We obviously have a divided country. Churches have been divided. Families have been divided. As believers in Jesus, we have to unite. We have to come together. There's a lot of healing that has to be done. We need to pray that we are honorable and respectful."
How do you think God is shaping the future of the world with the victory of President-elect Donald Trump?