Just in time for Christmas, Pure Flix Entertainment has releasedWish for Christmas, a heartwarming film celebrating the true meaning of faith and family during the holidays.
Starring Joey Lawrence (Blossom, Melissa & Joey), Leigh-Allyn Baker (Good Luck Charlie), comedy legend Bill Engvall ("Blue Collar TV"), Anna Fricks, and YouTube sensation Chelsea Crockett, Wish for Christmas tells the story of Anna, a self-absorbed 17-year-old girl who desperately wants the freedom to do whatever she wants - particularly over the holiday season. However, because of her parents' strong faith in God, she has to skip the town's winter dance for a Christmas Eve service at church.
Infuriated, Anna makes a Christmas wish reminiscent of that made by George Bailey in the iconic Christmas film It's a Wonderful Life: "I wish my parents didn't believe it God," she says.
However, when her wish comes true, Anna's life doesn't exactly go as planned. While she initially enjoys the change, she soon realizes how her parent's faith positively affected every aspect of her family's life - and how empty life is without God.
As Anna sees the negative change in her parents, she desperately attempts to reverse her wish while at the same time discovering her need for God and the true meaning of Christmas.
"This film is a classic 'true meaning of the season' film and it's urging viewers to be careful what you wish for - instead, be thankful for where you are and what you have," Leigh-Allyn Baker told The Gospel Herald. "This message is so relevant because it's so easy to lose sight of what's important. We are a very materialistic nation - our hopes and dreams rise and fall on what we get or don't get. And, that's so empty and unfulfilling. If you don't have people and love in your life, then really, it's not very rewarding."
Wish for Christmas is chock-full of life lessons, and through a charming script and top-notch acting, highlights the importance of grace, selflessness, and faith. With a PG rating, the film is perfect for the whole family.
"I think teens will love this movie - I'd tell them, 'This movie has a lot of hip and cool elements, and you realize that God is cool and so are you parents," Baker said. "I think families as a whole will love it. A lot of faith-based movies are doing well now, and I think it's fantastic, but wouldn't it be great if more movies shared both the faith message but were also entertaining? Faith-based movies are becoming successful to where they need to be good, too, good quality. I think this one reaches that level."
And, to those disillusioned by the commercialism of Christmas, Baker says it's important to remember that all elements of Christmas - from Christmas trees to gift-giving - point to Jesus Christ.
"You can look at all the shopping and gift-giving as this horrible negative or you can look at it as something that shines a light on the reason for the season - the birth of Jesus Christ," she said. "All of the fanfare and bright-colored papers and gifts and bows and lights - that really points to it. I wouldn't suggest fighting the season and the celebration of it, as much as switching your perspective of enjoying and embrace it. At the end of the day, homemade gifts are much more appreciated and heartfelt. It's the heart of when we share our generations and love and compassion for other people. If you can't beat them - join them."