Horror in Congo: ISIS-linked militants behead 70 Christians in church massacre
At least 70 Christians were brutally beheaded in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in a massacre carried out by Islamist militants affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS), according to multiple reports from humanitarian organizations and local sources. The attack, which took place in the eastern province of North Kivu, saw victims murdered inside a church, leaving their headless bodies behind as a chilling warning.
Egypt Frees Christian Convert Jailed for Three Years Over Social Media Post
After spending three years behind bars for a Facebook post about leaving Islam, Egyptian Christian convert Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo has been released—but his legal troubles are far from over.
Funeral Held for Eight Christians, Including Children, Killed in Easter Procession in Nigeria
Hundreds of family members and sympathizers on Saturday (April 27) attended a funeral in northeastern Nigeria for eight young Christians, six of them minors, who were killed when an off-duty security officer drove his vehicle into their Easter procession on April 21, sources said.
Christian Boy in Uganda Strangled, Threatened with Death for Refusing to Convert to Islam
Radical Muslims in eastern Uganda left a 12-year-old Christian boy unconscious on Thursday (Oct. 25) after threatening to strangle him to death unless he converted to Islam, sources said.
Father of Girl Kidnapped by Boko Haram Says Christians, Not Government, Have Supported Grieving Family
The father of a high school girl kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria is pleased by Christians' support but said he has yet to hear from government officials.
Muslims in Eastern Uganda Desecrate Body of Slain Christian
Muslim villagers in eastern Uganda mutilated the corpse of a convert from Islam likely killed for his faith last month, his widow said.
Kidnapped Girl’s Church Calls on Buhari to Win Her Release from Boko Haram in Nigeria
Islamic extremists in northeast Nigeria retained the only Christian among more than 100 kidnapped girls who were freed last week, prompting the head of her church denomination to call on President Muhammadu Buhari to obtain her release.
Christian Teen Raped, Impregnated by Boko Haram Fighter Forgives Enemies, Shares How God Redeemed Tragedy
A Christian teen who was raped and forced to carry the child of a Boko Haram fighter in Nigeria has shared how God redeemed her tragedy to bring about blessing.
Muslims in Nigeria Kill Two Christians, Force Churches to Shut Down
The latest in a series of Muslim Fulani attacks on a village in northern Nigeria has killed a Christian's two adult sons, closed churches and sent residents fleeing the area.
Muslims in Sudan Force Pastors to Give Up Church Properties, Evict Congregations
An Islamist judge in Sudan upheld the eviction of two pastors from their church-owned homes while 60 other Christians have been summoned to court over their refusal to relinquish property, sources said.
Occult Groups in Nigeria Kidnap, Kill Christians; Murder Mother and 4 Y/O Child in Church
Besides Islamic extremist Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen, occult groups are also terrorizing Christians in Nigeria.
Islamic Leader Who Converted to Christianity After Vision Loses Family, is Brutally Assaulted by Muslims
A former sheikh (Islamic teacher) in eastern Uganda has been in hiding since he lost his family for putting his faith in Christ two years ago, but last month he was tricked into a life-threatening encounter.
Kidnappings, Threats of Massacre Terrorize Christians in Kano State, Nigeria
Kidnappings, along with threats of massacres by Islamic extremists, are continuing with the approval of some state officials in a concerted effort to eliminate Christianity, church leaders said.
Somali Muslims Break In, Beat Children of Christian Widow in Kenya
Hard-line Muslims on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya attacked a Christian widow's children, ages 13, 17 and 21, leaving two of them seriously injured and still in pain 11 days after the assault, sources said.
Christian Missionary Kidnapped by Nigerian Cult Shot and Killed After Singing 'Amazing Grace'
A Christian missionary kidnapped in Nigeria was murdered after playing the popular hymn "Amazing Grace" on his acoustic guitar to cheer up his fellow captives, a sobering new report has revealed.
Terrorist Attack on Mosque in Egypt Leaves at Least 200 Dead, Dozens Wounded
At least 184 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a devastating attack on a mosque in northern Egypt on Friday.
Five Christians Killed, Five Others Missing in Muslim Herdsmen Attacks in Nigeria
Five Christians were killed and five others are missing after attacks by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria's Plateau and Benue states in the past two weeks.
Muslim Posing as Christian Teacher at School in Uganda Attacks Director
Students at a Christian elementary school in eastern Uganda fear for their lives after a Muslim posing as a Christian teacher attacked the school director, sources said.