SYDNEY-- Rev. Wang Chi Jun, chief editor of the Chinese Christian Magazine "Life Quarterly" from the U.S. visited Hebron Chinese Alliance Church, Westmead in mid-September.
Today, he shared his personal faith experiences as well as his ministry experience when serving in "Life Quarterly".
Though Wang believed in God in 1982, he did not accept Christ as his personal savior until he reached 35 years of age.
In 1989, he became caught up in the wave of student movements that led to the tragic government crackdown at Tian Anmian square.
"As I was a participant, I was subsequently dismissed from the school and was put into prison," he said. "But to my great surprise, this became a turning point for me to know Jesus Christ."
Wang believes that that he would not have not devoted himself to ministry if he had continued his education.
His path of faith took him through eight years of struggles before he seriously turned to Christianity and devoted himself to ministry.
The chief editor later recalled that he became more humble and understood more of God's love after entering Trinity Theological Seminary in Chicago in 1991.
"How deep we realize our sin, that’s how deep can we understand the love of the God," recalled Wang, who also said that this would become a solid foundation for his later ministry.
After studying theology, Wang thought he would never return to his homeland.
Nonetheless, he said, his experience in the seminary and his unyielding love for the Chinese people has made him realize that God sent him to America to study theology so that he will equip others to preach the gospel to China.
"Although many intellectuals came to America and later turned to Jesus Christ, their faith and spirituality is still at 'baby' level and they maybe not able to fulfill God’s plan for them," Wang added.
"While they return to China, the condition of their faith is a bit worrying."
Aware of spiritual thirst in mainland-Chinese Christians, Wang and his wife received the vision for creating a gospel magazine in their prayers.
The aim of the publication is to educate Chinese Christians about the core of Christian faith, Wang added.
By late 1996, the pastor began to prepare for the printing of the magazine "Life Quarterly".
In March 1997, the first volume was published.
The pastor admitted that he had previously worried whether the publication could continue, but later learned to entrust everything to the hands of the Lord, expressing gratefullness for God's abundanct blessings throughout the years.
Wang added that he was concerned that that the church has lost vision to the growing tide of secularims in the world today.
"Jesus Christ and the cross is the only way to revive today's church," Wang emphasized.
"Today's secular culture has a serious impact on churches, and even church leaders fall away because of its material temptation."
In addition, the veteran church-leader said he has seen churches become complacent to the rise of cults in China.
"At the same time, while the church has lack of such kind of awareness and become self-marginalized, Christianity comes to the point of decline as a result," Wang explained.
"Only the truth of the cross that can strength our faith."
In late December, Wang will be a key figure at the coming Chinese Gospel Conference in Hong Kong, that will bring together top experts on Chinese mission growth.