Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry Holds 2008 Vancouver Vision Sharing Banquet

[Vancouver, Canada] Announcing its 2008 vision goal of “One World, One Vision”, Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry held its thanksgiving dinner banquet, where hundred of Chinese Canadian Christians participated, in Vancouver on Apr. 13.

Rev. Jim Tam, executive director of SOBEM, provided the report of 2007 developments, which included television productions, radio productions, and telephone hotlines, website modifications, DVD ministry and various other progresses.

Since 2006, SOBEM started its partnership with Google by providing their testimonial videos to be uploaded into the web. Until now, over 300,000 thousand people have seen their video productions through the internet.

In 2007, SOBEM also uploaded its videos onto YouTube, which further increased the reach to different group of people through the internet. With the Slogan of “Go on Google, Go on Youtube, and Watch Showers of Blessing”, SOBEM wishes to encourage more people watch these testimonial videos.

This year, SOBEM has invited Rev. Dr. Li Ping-Kwong, captain of Hong Kong Methodist Evangelism Team, to share a message at the thanksgiving dinner banquet.

Li encouraged the brothers and sisters not to just keep the gospel as a slogan, but participate and support through their actions.

“The most effective way to proclaim the gospel is to influence others with your life. SOBEM has collected numerous touching testimonies of faith and made their into television programs, which can be used to reach all kinds of people and change their lives,” Li exhorted.

In addition, Li said that SOBEM has been keeping up-to-date with the latest trends of this era and continuously strive forward in the aspects of high resolution television, advertisements with gospel messages, internet ministry, and others. He urged for everyone’s support through prayers and donations.

By holding steadfast, taking initiatives, and breaking through, Li call the people to proclaim the gospel and testify Jesus Christ to the all types of people and to live out the life of God.

The thanksgiving dinner banquet concluded with a musical performance by the Methodist Evangelistic Team, gospel magic performances by Rev. Yeung Yao Zhi, and choir performance by the Vancouver Children’s choir. These performances brought joy to those who were present that night.

[Editor's note: reporter Grace Cheung from Vancouver contributed to this report.]