Today, November 17, 2008, The Salvation Army’s National Christmas Kettle Fundraising Campaign launches, aimed at raising money to fight poverty in Canada during Christmas and throughout the year.
This year, in addition to the traditional Christmas Campaign of kettles and bells, the Army is partnering with Wal-Mart and others to raise awareness and money at Christmas.
Gabriel Saucedo’s story is one of thousands who, because of your generous donations, has hope for a better future. He fled Mexico by plane after receiving a note that said, “Your money or your life!” This 30-year-old accountant, a refugee claimant, arrived from Guadalajara broke and friendless. He spent his first month in Canada at The Salvation Army’s Gateway homeless shelter in downtown Toronto. Much has changed in his life. He enrolled in English classes at The Salvation Army’s immigrant and refugee centre and has five volunteer jobs. He feels he has freedom and safety in Canada—something he didn’t experience in Mexico.
The Salvation Army is partnering with Wal-Mart for the first ever National Kettle Launch on November 19 at 10 Wal-Mart stores in cities across Canada. Cities include Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Scarborough, St. John’s and Vancouver.
Hope for Today
“There will always be people in need,” says Commissioner William Francis. “With between 15-20 percent of our annual fundraising revenue collected during the Christmas season, it is vital that the Canadian public continue to give this year so the Army can support people living in poverty and the people living paycheque to paycheque.”
[Source: Salvation Army Canada]