Bike for Bibles Rides in Seven Canadian Provinces

Toronto – July 3, 2009 – The Canadian Bible Society’s (CBS) Bike for Bibles rides are taking place in the provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, North Alberta, South Alberta, PEI and Ontario this summer. All across the country, cyclists are receiving colourful Bike for Bibles jerseys and they are busy finalizing their sponsorships for this exciting fundraising event.

Bike for Bibles originated in 1984 in Australia with three cyclists, and it now takes place in many countries. Funds to provide Bibles for those without the Word of God are raised through the sponsorship of cyclists.

The 2009 Bike for Bibles rides are in support of the distribution of Scripture resources at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. In partnership with More Than Gold, a non-profit organization that coordinates the volunteer efforts of the Christian community for major sporting events worldwide, CBS will be distributing New Testaments, the Gospel of Mark, and the Book of Hope youth magazine to thousands of people at the games.

CBS National Director, Ted Seres says, “Bike for Bibles always raises funds for exciting projects where God’s Word is needed to touch people’s hearts. The Olympics is a perfect venue for sharing the Scriptures with thousands of people that will be visiting from all over the world – perhaps from countries where the Bible is not readily available. CBS will be there doing what we do best – sharing God’s life giving Word.” The Scripture resources being distributed will also include testimonies from various Christian athletes that will inspire and bring hope to those that read them.

Cindy Klassen, Six-time Olympic medalist in speed skating, says the following in support of the Bike for Bibles ride, “The Bibles provided for the Vancouver Winter Olympics through this year’s Bike for Bibles ride, will have an eternal impact for Christ for many years. Thanks so much to the Canadian Bible Society for doing this project!”

By participating in Bike for Bibles, Canadians of all ages, walks of life, and denominations achieve fitness, fun and fellowship with a Christian purpose – sharing The Word. For Life. in Canada and around the world.

For more Bike for Bibles information: or 1-800-465-2425.

About the Canadian Bible Society:

The Canadian Bible Society (CBS) has been in existence for more than 100 years, to promote and encourage – without doctrinal note or comment – translation, publication, distribution, and engagement with the Scriptures throughout Canada and the world. Because the Bible’s life giving message of forgiveness, justice, and hope is needed to transform the lives of people everywhere, CBS distributes Scripture resources in English, French, and 100 other languages. Together, with 145 national Bible Societies worldwide, 380 million Scriptures were distributed last year.

[Source: Canadian Bible Society]