Giving Gifts of Ability and Joy

Stouffville, ON, October 31 2011 – Born in India with bilateral clubfoot, four-year-old Juned’s feet were so badly twisted he couldn’t wear shoes. Walking became extremely painful; Juned could only sit on the sidelines, and watch his friends play. His mother was warned that he may have to have his legs amputated.

Thanks to the generosity of Canadians, Juned has benefitted from some of the 33 extraordinary gift items featured in cbm Canada’s “GiveJoy” Christmas catalogue, helping him to live a fuller life.

cbm’s catalogue is full of gifts that give ability – walking, seeing, hearing, learning, growing and speaking – these gifts literally change lives! cbm provides medical aid, rehabilitation and practical education – for children just like Juned.

Through cbm, Juned has received plaster casts, shoes, and splints his mother couldn’t afford – to straighten his twisted, bent feet. A community support worker regularly gave Juned vital rehabilitation exercises. And as Juned’s feet grew strong and straight, cbm provided special educational toys to stimulate his mind.

Reshraf, Juned’s mother, recalls his progress after cbm’s intervention. “He started to walk more. But he also smiled more.”

Today Juned confidently goes outside to play with his friends – no longer limited by pain or twisted feet.

cbm’s GiveJoy catalogue also offers gifts that prevent disabilities, like mosquito nets which protect children and their families from malaria; and rainwater harvesting systems for schools to give children clean, safe water that protects them from diseases.

With each gift from cbm’s catalogue, donors receive a JOYful matching gift card or gift tag that can be kept or passed along to a friend or loved one – someone who is honoured with the gift.

More than 500 million people worldwide are trapped in poverty with disabilities. Canadians have an opportunity to help break the cycle of poverty and disability by giving a JOYful gift – visit or call cbm Canada at 1-800-567-2264.

cbm Canada (formerly known as Christian Blind Mission), is an international non-profit Christian development organization, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. cbm currently serves over 25 million people every year.

[Source: cbm Canada]