For The Secret Power Of Lawlessness Is Already At Work

In Matthew 24, the disciples ask Jesus to tell them when and what will be the signs of his coming and of the close age. Jesus answered them, and told them what will happen. He mentioned that one of the signs is that “lawlessness will be increased” in verse 12.

As we all can see, many things that were once illegal and/or socially condemned have become legal and socially celebrated in many places, a major shift in ethical and behavior norms. We hear of decriminalized marijuana, “safe” injection sites, legitimizing prostitution and assisted suicide, decriminalizing abortion, legalizing same sex marriage, and so on.

A major concern is the “spin off” effects of such changes on children through schools. For example, since same sex marriage was legalized, school boards and teachers' unions have been pushing the sex activist agenda in public education, sometimes under the cover of anti-bullying campaigns.

And now the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, +) activists are pushing “transgenderism” at the federal level. This has led to the upcoming third reading of Bill C-279 titled “An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression)”.

This Bill seeks to arbitrarily expand human rights to include the extremely vague concepts of “gender identity” and “gender expression” as protected categories in human rights law. The Bill does no attempt to define or limit these terms.

If Bill C-279 passes, there is a strong likelihood that it would give men the right to use women’s washrooms/changing rooms as part of their “gender identity" or "gender expression". Young children of both sexes are frequently present in women's washrooms and change rooms. Men who claim to be women will be allowed to compete as women in sports. Men claiming female identity or expression will be permitted to access affirmative action and other programs that have been set up to address biological realities of femaleness as well as the historical bias against women.

A direct spin-off of having this expansion of the human rights codes will be that school curriculum will be required to include representation, acceptance, and celebration of “transgenderism” for all ages. Please note that a BC teacher was suspended with pay in December after showing his grade 4 students a highly age-inappropriate Christmas video featuring drag queens. He said he showed it in order to promote discussion of “transgenderism”.

In fact, there are already many teaching resources with this purpose. See for example this British Columbia Teachers Federation website. Among the resources is a teachers’ handbook titled “Gender Spectrum - What Educators Need to Know”, which is meant to guide the teachers to instill the belief that “gender is a spectrum” and support for “sex reassignment surgery" with no mention that such surgery has not been shown to improve mental health outcomes or happiness for those who undergo it, etc.

Normalizing LGBTQ+ sub-culture behavior and ethics, and silencing dissent through human rights tribunals and school-based indoctrination are what the pro-LGBTQ+ school policy and Bill C-279 are aiming at.

As 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 says “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.” The church - each of us - is the one called to restrain lawlessness. When there is darkness and rot there is need for light and salt.

May I urge you to pay attention to this Bill C-279 and do your best to stop it.