Korie Robertson, Sadie and John Luke, Supriya Jindal Rappel Down 24-Story Building for Adoption Awareness

Louisiana First Lady Jindal with Sadie, Korie, and John Luke Robertson Family
Louisiana First Lady Jindal with Sadie, Korie, and John Luke Robertson Family

Stars of "Duck Dynasty" joined Supriya Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana's wife, for the Louisiana Family Forum's "Over the Edge for Adoption" event on Friday in Baton Rouge. Sadie, Korie, and John Luke Robertson rappelled off of a 24-story building with Jindal to show their support for the hundreds of children in foster care in Louisiana who need permanent homes.

Willie and Korie Robertson have a heart for adoption. They adopted their son Will when he was just a baby, and have also brought a foreign exchange student, Rebecca Robertson, into their family as well. The Washington Times reports that Korie and two of her five children came out to demonstrate their support for adoption by rappelling off of One American Place building, going nearly 300 feet of the 308-foot-high structure.

Korie, Sadie, and John Luke helped raise awareness for nearly 400 foster care children in Louisiana who are ready to be placed into permanent homes. The Louisiana Family Forum, which hosted the event, has made it their goal to reduce "red tape" in foster care adoptions and to raise awareness so that at least 100 children would be connected to families through the event.

After rappelling that afternoon, John Luke tweeted: "For all those who adopt kids, thank you. You are making this world better. James 1:27."

James 1:27 says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world" (English Standard Version).