Texas Shooter Ronald Lee Haskell Collapses in Court as Charges are Read

Ron Lee Haskell, the man accused of killing six members of his ex-wife's family in Spring, Texas on Wednesday, collapsed in court as charges were read against him this morning.

Haskell is accused of killing six of his ex-wife's family members - four of whom were children - in their home on Wednesday. Haskell allegedly rang the Stay family's doorbell, pretending to be a FedEx delivery man, but was recognized and turned away by their eldest child who told him her parents were not home. Haskell returned later and kicked the door in, and proceeded to tie up the Stay's five children.

When Stephen and Katie Stay returned home, Haskell reportedly bound them as well and forced everyone in the family to lay face-down on the ground. He asked them where he could find his ex-wife, and shot each one of them in the back of the head after they did not give him an answer. The family's fifteen -year-old daughter, Cassidy, miraculously survived with a wound to the head, and is in critical condition at a local hospital with hope of a full recovery. The family was faithfully committed to their church and was well-loved in their community.

Cassidy pretended to be dead and waited until Haskell left their home to call the police. She let them know that she thought he was heading toward her grandparents' home, and the 33-year-old gunman was intercepted and arrested after a 3.5-hour-long standoff with police.

Haskell is being charged with capital murder, and appeared in court this morning for his arraignment. ABC News reports that the accused gunman collapsed twice while standing before the state district judge, and was afterward wheeled out of the courtroom. He is being treated at Harris County Jail.

Haskell has a history of violent behavior - he was charged with domestic violence and assault against his wife a few years ago, and she also filed a protective order against him in 2013. The two divorced in February of this year, and Haskell followed his ex-wife when she moved to Texas.

Haskell's mother had also recently filed a restraining order against him, as he had used physical force to prevent her from leaving her home after the two had an argument earlier this month. The Daily News reports that Haskell's defense plans to focus on the state of his mental health.