Kirk Cameron Spends 44th Birthday with 'Duck Dynasty's Phil, Miss Kay, Shares Sneak Preview of 'Saving Christmas'

Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty

Christian actor and producer Kirk Cameron recently spent his birthday with the "Duck Dynasty" clan and shared his new film, "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas," which is headed to theaters for two weeks on Nov. 14.

"The heavens opened and a shaft of light came streaming down when Duck Dynasty's King and Queen, Phil and Kay Robertson, cooked my 44th birthday dinner in their country kitchen, spoiled us boys with outdoor fun and faithful inspiration, and the Robertson family watched Saving Christmas in their camouflage living room," Cameron posted on Facebook on Nov. 4.

The former "Growing Pains" star also shared a video of Phil and Miss Kay sharing their enthusiasm for "Saving Christmas" while sitting on their front porch.

"Hey America and all you Duck Dynasty fans out there, it's now 2014 A.D. Have you ever wondered exactly who we are counting time by and why?" Phil asks.

"2014 years ago something rather large must have happened because we are still counting time by what happened," the Robertson family patriarch continued. "It's all about Christmas. That's when God becomes flesh. It was 2014 years ago and we still remember Christmas. Christ and worship, [in other words] mass, [means] Christmas; 'Kirk Cameron Saving Christmas' is a new movie that's coming out. If you really want some insight into what Christmas is all about, check it out."

According to the film's website, it hopes to put the "Christ back in Christmas"--that is, reestablish Christmas in a world where the birth of Christ is overlooked amid commercialism and political correctness.

"My hope for 'Saving Christmas' is that families all across the country will join with my family in putting the Christ back into Christmas," Cameron said in a press release. "For too many years Christmas has been attacked and hammered by those outside the church, and it's even changed how we think about Christmas inside the church. We are proudly going to put the Christ back into Christmas and remind Christians why this is not only a holy day, but a celebration as well. I believe that families will love this movie!"

"Saving Christmas" opens in 400 theaters beginning on Nov. 14. You can watch the trailer here.

Saving Christmas
Saving Christmas