Android L 5.0.2 Update Coming to All Motorola Devices: Moto X 1st Gen Getting Software Features of Moto X 2nd Gen

Moto X
The Moto X 2013 will not only be receiving Android 5.0.2 soon, but it will also get the voice controls of the 2014 edition. Photo: Engadget

While Android 5.0 Lollipop is slowly showing up on various Nexus and Motorola devices since November's intitial roll-out, the latest mobile operating system has now been confirmed to come to all remaining Motorola devices from 2013 and 2014 "really soon."

According to a message from Motorola software engineer Luciano Carvalho speaking on his Google+ page, this means that Lollipop will come to the Motorola Droid Turbo, Motorola Moto X 2014, Motorola Moto X 2013, Motorola Moto G 2014, Motorola Moto G 2013, Motorola Moto E, and the other Droid series handsets like Motorola Droid Maxx, Motorola Droid Ultra, and Motorola Droid Mini.

Related: Moto G 2014 Edition Receives Android L 5.0.2 Update This Week: How to Install Manually

"That's a limited soak test roll out for some of our products in different regions of the world," Carvalho said in reference to Android 5.0.2. "The update will be pushed to a wider audience if no critical showstoppers are found by users who already received it."

We already knew that the update, including the very latest 5.0.2 patch, was coming soon to the affordable Moto G, but this is great news for those users of the flagship Moto X, both the original and the second generation from last year.

But also good news for Moto X 2013 users is the additional info from Carvalho stating that the first gen smartphone will get all of the same features as the second generation Moto X. The only exclusions from this are those features dependant on hardware, like the Best Photo feature which depends on the Moto X 2014's updated camera.

Yet what it does include is the ability to use voice control on the older phone. You can assign your own voice control activation phrase, which Motorola suggests to be something like "OK Moto X," "Listen Up Moto X," or anything else you'd like to use for your own personality.

"Users on the 1st generation Moto products need to make sure they have the latest Motorola Updates Services from the Play Store," Carvalho continued. "If you don't see it showing in your list of apps available for update (or it shows as not compatible) don't worry, it'll be available for you to download it really soon."

He went on to explain and apologize for the delay that Motorola has been experiencing with getting Android's latest update up and running on their line of phones. When Google first announced that Android 5.0 Lollipop would be hitting the Nexus line first, as expected, there were also announcements regarding Motorola's line being next because of its relationship with Google as a manufacturer. "Updates of this nature take time. It's no secret that when 5.0 launched it still had bugs. And, when we update our products, we end up finding more bugs that need to be fixed. There are a lot of reasons for what that happen, but, basically, each phone has a unique set of components and a way they interact. When Google creates a new release, they don't validate it for all the possible combinations there are, and they won't fix anything that's not reproducible on a Nexus device, that's our job."

"Overall, Carvalho's message is optimistic and reassuring. "I hope you can appreciate the time we spend rounding up the performance and making sure you can continue to enjoy the awesome smooth experience of the amazing Moto products you've come to know and love."