GTA 5 Title Update: Bug Creates a Visual Deterioration on PS4, Xbox One, Still Under Investigation By Rockstar Games

GTA V's Trevor is ready for the Heists DLC!

There is no doubt that Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V is one of the most popular video games on the market today.  Unfortunately, players have been noticing a visual deterioration that is a result of Title Update 1.08.  The bug is just enough to reduce graphical details within the game, but some GTA V fans have taken offense. 

According to Gotta Be Mobile, Rockstar is looking into a bug related to a graphical issue with GTA V on the Sony PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.  This issue was created by Title Update 1.08, Rockstar has addressed the issue in their Support Forum about "a deterioration of graphical quality". 

What kind of deterioration? Something that has been happening all week, as the game just doesn't look as good as it normally does.  A YouTube video shows the comparison between the two, and I have to admit that since I am not into gaming graphical details, so I don't really see a huge difference.  However, there have been reports from players saying that cars don't have as much detail as they did in Xbox One and PS4 versions of the popular game, and the lighting seems "off somehow". 

The entire reason why Rockstar released the title 1.08 update was to address some bugs that were left in Grand Theft Auto Online, the online multiplayer world included for free with GTA V.  Bugs fixed included a better physics engine for bikes, chat audio, and a blank screen that often occurred with the Parachute mission.

Gotta Be Mobile describes the downgrade issue as "seems contained for now".  They report that the Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 versions of the game appear "in the clear", but Xbox One and PS4 users will need to put up with the downgrade.  The good news is that the visual downgrade seems to be the only issue, which means all the fun content of the missions will remain intact.  Lazy Gamer has pointed out that the visual downgrades could be a result of making the frame rates better, but it appears that GTA V are noticing this subtle decrease in quality. 

Considering that GTA V has been under the microscope for the past year due to delays in the Heists DLC (downloadable content), the last thing that Rockstar Games needs is a bug that is messing people up visually. 

Graphics have always been an issue when it comes to GTA V.  GTA V was released to the older generation of consoles with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in the Fall of 2013.  One year later, after the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One had been released in the 2013 Holiday season, GTA V showed up in November 2014 for those newer platforms.  The GTA V game will be released on Windows on April 14, 2015.