Even though Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has yet to officially declare a run for the presidency, he's already received an endorsement from a "Duck Dynasty" star.
According to Andrew Kirell of Mediaite, Willie Robertson announced that he and his wife, Korie, would be endorsing the governor. He explained the reasoning behind their support during a Monday appearance on "Kilmeade and Friends" of Fox News Radio.
"Bobby is a great man, he's a godly man," Robertson said. "If he chooses to go on, I know the values he has. I'm the kind of guy who really likes smart people... and that guy's one of the smartest people I've ever met."
Robertson added that he is "firmly behind the Louisiana Republican, should he choose to enter the race."
"He's got the values, he's got the intelligence to do it," Robertson said. "I'd love to see him run, and I'd love for him to get into the mix."
Kirell reported that the Robertson family, who is based out of Louisiana, has previously extended support to Republican politicians in that state. In addition, the main patriarch of the "Duck Dynasty" clan, Phil Robertson, spoke at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, also known as CPAC.
According to Kendall Breitman of Politico, Willie and Jindal were seen together in Iowa recently. That prompted a question in regards to supporting the Louisiana governor.
"It is, if he chooses to run," Robertson said. "He hasn't decided yet, but if he does..."
Breitman reported that the Robertson family, who live in West Monroe, La., first met Jindal long before "Duck Dynasty" became a household name. They even invited the governor to their church.
"He just preached," Robertson said about Jindal's visit. "He wasn't really political. He just talked about his own relationship with the Lord; it was very impressive to us then."
Robertson himself has been politically active. According to Breitman, he has appeared in a political advertisement for Rep. Vance McAllister, who later brought him as a guest to the 2014 State of the Union address.
Ben Kamisar of The Hill reported that Jindal also visited the Robertsons as a guest star during a 2014 episode of "Duck Dynasty."
Although Brietman considered Jindal as "a longshot for the Republican nomination," the governor could make his decision on a potential presidential run in June, when the legislative session in Louisiana ends. If he does, he would be facing off against Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).