WWE 2K16 Release Date and Rumors For PS4, Xbox One, and PC

WWE 2k16

WWE 2K16 may see its release date this fall, while Jim Ross might make an appearance. Naturally, these are part of the latest round of rumors surrounding this upcoming title from 2K Sports. WWE 2K16 is expected to debut on next-gen consoles such as the Playstation 4, Xbox One. The game may also available on Windows PC.

Possible Release Date in October 2015

Just to be clear, there is no official confirmation regarding release dates from 2K sports. However, WWE 2K16 News predicted the game will be ready by October 2015 based on previous release cycles. The last three WWE 2K titles were released in late October. Hence, WWE 2K16 development may be following a similar time table.

However, this may or may not be good news to professional wrestling fans. Last year, untold numbers of gamers expressed disappointment with WWE 2K15 due to its various bugs. Many of the complaints focused on a variety of artificial-intelligence issues. For instance, opponent sometimes stood still when players are backed into a corner. At times, players are unable to complete ground finishers due to spatial recognition issues with the AI. Hopefully, these issues will be resolved in WWE 2K16.

Jim Ross May Appear in WWE 2K16

Jim Ross may be featured in WWE 2K16, according to Attack of the Fanboy. It is likely the WWE Hall of Fame commentator is providing some form of voice talent. The publication also believes that Ross' rumored appearance is proof that the game will include historical matches and content.

Ross was absent from the previous WWE 2K15 game, which upset a number of fans. Apparently, 2K Games may have gotten the hint.

"In talks with 2K Sports to do some work on their next video game for WWE," Jim Ross wrote on his official blog. "Love the process and from what I'm told the new game will be extremely provocative and certainly has my attention already. Stay tuned."

Presently, WWE 2K15 only has Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler as commentators.  

New Body, Stamina System, Customization

According to Venture Capital Post, WWE 2K16 may have a new body system in which the AI will react to appropriately to player actions - such as being struck in the head or legs. Players can also use a variety of weapons including tables, folding chairs, kendo sticks, ladders, and sledge hammers. There may also be a stamina system that determines whether players can complete a move for their favorite wrestler.

One area where WWE 2K15 lacked was customization options. Many observers in the rumor mill believe that WWE 2K16 will bring some form of customization. However, this remains to be seen. More details may be revealed at this year's E3 in June.