'Transformers 5' Movie Release Date and Cast News: Hasbro Confirms 2017 Release, Michael Bay Still to Say Yes


The fifth installment of one of most successful movie franchises in terms of earnings, Transformers 5, will be released in 2017. This was confirmed by no less than Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner in his 2015 Q1 Earnings Conference Call.

Goldner said, "Our plan with the studio and filmakers you may have heard some writers being hired and we have in fact brought in Akiva Goldsman to lead a group of writers to really create a strategic plan around Transformers. We think there are any number of stories to be told from the brand that has been around for 30 years with amazing canon and mythology. We would expect the sequel to the Transformers movie [TF4] to happen in 2017."

But while shooting has not yet started, Paramount Pictures is still waiting for the elusive "yes" of renowned director Michael Bay to return to the director's chair for the Transformer 5, according to Day Herald. Bay reportedly submitted his release papers to Paramount after the Transformers: Age of Extinction.

His protege, Jonathan Liebesman, who directed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, was initially rumored to be the likely replacement of Bay to direct the fifth installment of the Transformers movie franchise.

However, reports have emerged that Paramount Pictures is not ready to let go of Bay, after all he was responsible for making Transformers into one of the highest-grossing franchises in Hollywood history. Transformers 4, and to some extent Bay, drew heavy flak from critics, and described the movie as the worst despite being a huge blockbuster.

Transformers 4 earned more than $1 billion across the globe and was the highest-grossing movie in China. All the four Transformers movies directed by Bay made more than $3.8 billion worldwide.

To entice Bay, Paramount has created a writer's pool to include the director to help out in creating new ideas for the Transformers franchise and its possible spinoff.

According to Inquisitr.com, the new Transformers 5 movie will features a new cast of robots, including Ultra Magnus, Blitzwing, Scourge, Cyclonus, Override, and Red Alert. In the animation series, Optimus Prime appointed Ultra Magnus to take command on Earth after he went to space to confront the Decepticons that were drifting through space where he met the ultimate evil, Unicron.

The reports said that the introduction of  of Cyclonus and Scourge could indicate that Unicron has sent some new Decepticons that he recycled using parts from other dead robots, and to prepare for his plan to consume Earth.

The appearance of the Dinobots in the Transformers: Age of Extinction could also indicate that the producers of the franchise are planning a Beast Wars spinoff.