As it stands, Android 5.0 (also known as Android L or simply Lollipop) was announced last year, but it has been very slow to rollout. There have been reports that Android 5.0 has had some bug issues, but later versions should have ironed those out. Some of the more new Android devices are still waiting in line to get that long-awaited Android update, and these include phones from LG with the G3 and G2, as well as phones from HTC with the M7 and M8 from carriers such as Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile.
Since LG's G4 has Lollipop, it was really only a matter of time before it spilled out on its predecessors the LG G3 and the LG G2. We have previously reported that most U.S. carriers should have Lollipop readily available for the LG G3 and G2, but it has been expectedly slow on some carriers.
What we know from Digital Trends is that both the G3 and G2 both have Lollipop if they are on T-Mobile or AT&T. As for Verizon, they have Lollipop readily available for the G3, but not for the G2. Sprint doesn't have it yet for the G3 or the G2, but they are primed to deliver it soon. Part of the problem with Sprint could be bug issues that have plagued other users of Android 5.0 devices. One thing of note is that the LG G Pro 2 has the Lollipop update, but only in Europe.
As for the HTC One M Series, the Lollipop was promised to the series quite a while ago, as far as last year. At that point, only the Google Play Editions were getting them, and it has only been recently that the HTC One M Series has been receiving its share of promised updates.
The news on Digital Trends shows that all U.S. carriers but Sprint have received the Lollipop update for the HTC One M8, and most M8 consumers in Europe have it as well. Also, a recent report on Know Your Mobile has shown that the HTC One M8 will be receiving Android 5.1 as well as Sense 7 in August 2015, but there is no word on a more specific release date.
As for the HTC One M7, only AT&T has the Lollipop update. About two months ago, HTC's vice president of product management, Mo Versi, stated on Twitter that the original HTC One M7 will not get any Android higher than 5.0. There has been a lot of outcry over that, Versi tweeted later that: "I heard you all on M7 5.1 for Carrier versions. Many of the fixes are already in our current SW, but understand your concerns. Stay tuned."
The advice of "stay tuned" would be good for those who are users of the LG G3, LG G2, as well as those of the HTC One M7 and HTC One M8. For those that do not have Lollipop yet, it would be good to constantly check for System updates, and it should be showing up soon.