iOS 8.4.1 Threatens iOS 8.4, 8.3 Jailbreak: iOS 9 Release Date Rumors

By Richard Waelty
Apple iOS 9

Apple iOS 8.4.1 Beta may be a bad omen for TaiG's iOS 8.4 and 8.3 jailbreak, which was released about a month ago. This was predictable considering that the Cupertino-based tech giant sees jailbreaking as dangerous. In contrast, there are untold scores of jailbreak enthusiasts who enjoy having increased customization options and app choices outside of Apple store.  

iOS 8.4.1 Undergoing Beta Testing

Recently, Apple crashed the party with the beta form of iOS 8.4.1. As of last week, this OS update is starting to become available to participating developers. In final form, iOS 8.4.1 will more than likely patch up security exploits that jailbreakers rely on to do their work. This is something the company has always done with past iOS updates. For now, Apple remains silent regarding the iOS 8.4.1 release date.

TaiG's iOS 8.4 Jailbreak Explained

TaiG's jailbreak was confirmed on Twitter just hours after Apple began rolling out iOS 8.4. Since then, TaiG has released Jailbreak Tool Version 2.3.0. The tool is designed for use with iOS 8.1.3 thru iOS 8.4 OS. That means handset owners can jailbreak iOS 8.3 as well.

However, users need to be cautious about where they download the newly-released jailbreak. TaiG also tweeted that another hacking group stole security exploits developed by the former. Jailbreak users should download their free copy of Jailbreak Tool Version 2.3.0 via TaiG's official website.

iOS 9 Release Date Rumors

At this time, Apple has not confirmed a release date for iOS 9 - which recently debuted at this year's WWDC conference. Even so, the general consensus amongst Apple watchers is that iOS 9 will be ready by Fall 2015.

Happily, Apple fans can trial the upcoming iOS firmware via a public beta that started in July. However, interested parties will need to signup with Apple first before participating in the testing program. Beta testers will also get a chance to trial OS X El Capitan as well.

iOS 9 features improvements that include expanded Apple Pay, smarter Siri personal assistant, new Apple News apps, and updated Apple Maps.

Will iOS 9 Be Jailbroken?

Last month, hacking group Keen Team told Forbes that iOS 9 will receive a public jailbreak later this year. The group has no history of jailbreaking, but has cracked iPhones in the past. Forbes reports that Keen Team has actively been reaching out to Team Pangu, which has jailbroken iOS 7 and 8.

Earlier, a number of Apple watchers predicted that iOS 9 may spell the end of jailbreak. This assessment was based on the widely touted Rootless security feature. The apparatus apparently blocks access to certain protected files, regardless whether the user enjoys administrative-level clearance.

It is uncertain whether Keen Team and Team Pangu will collaborate on a potential iOS 9 jailbreak.