Coach Joe Kennedy Prays In Public, Says it is Constitutional

Coach Joe Kennedy
Support gathers for Birmington foorball coach Joe Kennedy. Facebook page

Weird things are happening in America: while gay marriage and gender equality was recently celebrated and upheld, Christian prayer on the other hand is being banned, especially in America's public schools. However one coach decided to defy this ban and now is making headlines because of it, Fox News reports.

For the past seven years, Coach Joe Kennedy would say short prayers of thanksgiving and intercession for the wellbeing of the players and the game. Because of this The Bremerton School District sent the coach a three-page letter to put this practice to a stop.

While Kennedy has been known for praying before and after high school football games, the report says students have not opposed the practice, but instead voluntarily engaged in it.

The school's reaction obviously took the high school coach by surprise. He said, "I'm being investigated for thanking God for the opportunities that have been given me. It's absolutely ridiculous."

He went on to talk about his 20-year experience as a military man where he worked hard to defend "the Constitution and the freedoms that everybody has."

In the three-page letter penned by the school's superintendent Aaron Leavell, Kennedy was told that "talks with students may not include religious express, including prayer...They must remain entirely secular in nature, so as to avoid alienation of any team member."

Some of the superintendent's demand also outlined that even if students perform religious activity, school staff are not allowed to do any action that will make it look like that the staff are endorsing the religious activity. The activities also include kneeling or bowing of the head in prayer.

Kennedy has now taken action by obtaining legal services from Liberty Institute which specializes in religious liberty cases. Attorney Hiram Sasser categorically labeled the school's response as "unconstitutional." He also plans to continue his pre- and post-game prayers.

Meanwhile, the Gospel Herald reports that Kendrick Brothers Production, a media company dedicated towards the promotion of Christian film, educational content and literature, has announced that they will support Kennedy's decision to defy the ban against prayer in the campus.

A few other members of the Bremerton High School community have voiced similar support for Kennedy and his stand on fighting for religious freedom. Former student Samantha Leonard says, "I grew up and live in Bremerton we support coach Kennedy we are so proud of him and taking up the Gauntlet for God!"

At present, Kennedy's decision has placed him in danger of getting terminated from his job.