Last year was a terrific year to be The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Not only did it sweep the Game Awards last December as Best Game of the Year, but 2016 will be the year that it gets even more downloadable content (DLC). This is separate from a recent patch to the game, and this new DLC, Blood and Wine, promises to be the last in the adventures of Geralt.
The most recent news about Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is that there is a Patch available as of January 12. This Witcher 3 1.12 Patch is rather large, and will require room on the user's external or internal hard drive. Details of what the Patch changes in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can be found in a recent article from Gotta Be Mobile, which includes the changes made to the Hearts of Stone DLC.
According to iDigitalTimes, the next DLC pack is going to be Geralt's last story to tell. Yes, this means that the game franchise is going to end the adventures of Geralt (the main character from the game), and possibly end the universe of The Witcher. This means that CD Project RED, the award-winning maker of the game, will work on their next project, focusing on Cyberpunk 2077, an upcoming action role-playing game based on the Cyberpunk series of tabletop role-playing games.
This DLC called Blood and Wine is going to be quite large. We have previously reported that Blood and Wine was delayed from Q1 of this year until Q2, and how CD Projekt RED was wanting to communicate a more accurate release date.
Blood and Wine is not at all related to the main story of The Witcher 3 campaign, but it is an independent history. Jakub Szamalek has stated that "with our experience and feedback received since the game is on sale, we believe we have achieved something even better than the main game."
Szamalek also states that Blood and Wine will feature a new antagonist that Geralt will fight. He believes that Witcher 3 did not create a charismatic enemy, and the new enemy is better with a very complex storyline as well.
It is very interesting to see that CD Projekt RED is ending The Witcher, or, at least, Geralt's story, on a high note. With The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieving great sales, top marks by critics, and awards, one would think that the company would try and milk every dollar out of this franchise as possible with even more DLC and Expansion Packs.
As it is, the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is based off a series of fantasy novels based by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, and that book series came to an end a while ago. The game has sold 6 million copies in six weeks and earned 200 Game of the Year awards.
So if this is Geralt's last adventure, is he going to die, or will there be a happier ending? Unfortunately, fans will have to wait, as Geralt's last adventure in Blood and Wine still does not have an official release date.