Fans of the show Sherlock will be glad to know that the show will be returning. It has been difficult to even get filming done as Benedict Cumberbatch, the titular star of the show, has arguably done such a good job in his role as Holmes in a modern era that he is now an A-list star. Not only has Cumberbatch been part of Star Trek, but helming a Marvel role as Doctor Strange as well. The same goes for Holmes, as Martin Freeman is really branching out, even appearing in the last Captain America movie. Season 3 for these detectives ended on a questionable note, and there has been more information going around as Toby Jones joins the cast. This is what is known about Sherlock's Season 4 Release Date and News.
A recent report from CNET states that Toby Jones will be joining the cast of Sherlock. The actor is well known for playing Truman Capote in the biopic Infamous, which may have been overlooked due to Capote with Philip Seymour Hoffman. Actually, his resume is pretty rich in many franchises as he has played the voice of Dobby in the Harry Potter series, Captain America villain Arnim Zola, and Claudius Templesmith in The Hunger Games series.
Jones' role will be one of an adversary, and it is revealed he will be one of Holmes' best. It is not revealed who he will be, but it could possibly be Moriarty. Fans recall that this villain supposedly died at the end of Season 2, along with Holmes. Of course, Holmes came back to life (a method which still has not yet been revealed), which means that Moriarty could pull some trick like that. Oh, and Season 3 ended with Moriarty's image hacking lots of screens, indicating that he would somehow return.
Jones is planned to be on the second episode, and it would appear that the show is going to follow its usual format of giving its viewers three episodes that are about an hour-and-a-half in length. Even though most seasons of shows have more content, Sherlock always delivers quality over quantity any day, so fans will welcome it.
Sherlock Season 4 is currently filming, and according to Den of Geek, it probably won't be released until January of 2017. That is approximately one year after The Abominable Bride movie that took Holmes and Watson back to their Victorian roots.
BBC has released an official synopsis of season 4 of Sherlock, and it states that Sherlock Holmes will be back on British soil, with Doctor Watson and wife Mary prepare to become parents for the first time. So far, there have been rumors of death and tragedy in Season 4, not to mention a visit from the third Holmes brother Sherrinford, possibly played by Tom Hiddleston.
The Latin Times reports that the Sherlock team will release single word spoilers for each of the three 90-minute episodes set up to make up season four, just as they have done with the third season. Fans will look forward to getting that information, but not too much of it.