![Supergirl, Flash, and Arrow](/media/cache/img/1/77/17716sw_800w_800h_1x_1y.jpg)
Supergirl was on the CBS chopping block as far as shows for the next fall season of 2016 was concerned. However, the CW network, who also airs Arrow, Flash, as well as DC's Legends of Tomorrow swooped in like a...superhero and saved it. Since Supergirl is now part of CW's lineup, does this mean that another crossover between Flash and Supergirl is in the works? Why not get Arrow and all of DC's Legends of Tomorrow on board. The better question is: how can DC comics resist?
As it was, the first time that Flash and Supergirl met on March 28, Flash was essentially a visitor from an alternate universe. DC comics is essentially famous for establishing multiple universes, and Flash comics was the one who introduced it with establishing an Earth-2 where another Flash with a different identity lived. Eventually, DC merged all of its alternate universes into one with an event comic spectacular battle known as Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985, but they have rebooted the universe a lot, because it is a comic book world and it is a good way to start fresh.
Cinemablend reports that when Arrow star Stephen Amell was asked if Supergirl would crossover with Arrow, his response was both vague and clear at the same time with "Do bears 'you know what' in the woods? I think that it's highly likely that, if you have four DC superhero properties on one network, that is an opportunity that might not ever exist again, and certainly hasn't ever existed in the history of television. So I expect them to do something."
DC is clearly trying to make a connected universe in the movies like Marvel has really succeeded with in the past decade. So far, DC's last effort with Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice has met with mixed reviews, and it is the film that is supposed to kickstart their Cinematic Universe.
At this point, DC is beginning to realize that many fans love their connected universe on screen, also known as the "Arrow-verse", since Arrow was the first of these shows. When Flash proved a big hit as well, it was only a matter of time before DC began an expensive endeavor of bringing many heroes together in DC's Legends of Tomorrow, which will have a second season.
Here is what I am predicting will happen sometime after the Fall season begins. Supergirl is going to be reintroduced into the CW Arrowverse, possibly as a guest star on Arrow or Flash. There is somehow going to be a conflict that ties in with DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and since this group has a time machine, perhaps they can begin some big event crossover between the four shows that would end with Supergirl's continuity involved in the Arrow-verse. What a finale that would be!
This would make Amell's claim true of nothing like this ever been done on TV before. However, it should be noted that Marvel's Netflix Universe with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist is in motion, but it hasn't got all the individuals together in The Defenders as yet. Is DC's CW TV characters trying to do this first? Let's just see how this plays out.