NULL Android M 6.0 Marshmallow and Android N 7.0 Nougat Release Dates for LG G5, G4, G3, G2, G Stylo, and V10 on Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, US Cellular, and AT&T

Android M 6.0 Marshmallow and Android N 7.0 Nougat Release Dates for LG G5, G4, G3, G2, G Stylo, and V10 on Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, US Cellular, and AT&T

Jul 07, 2016 06:03 AM EDT

So, there is a lot of talk about Android N, and it is actually called Nougat now.  Still, there are a lot of newer Android devices that have still not received Android M (also known as Android 6.0 and Marshmallow).  One of those companies is LG, and this is the latest news about Android M Version 6.0 Marshmallow and Android Nougat Release Dates for LG G5, G4, G3, G2, G Stylo, and V10 on Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, US Cellular, and AT&T. 

By now, it is pretty much covered on most Android devices from LG.  The current flagship phone of the LG G5 arrived out of its packaging with Android M, so it eventually just trickled down to the lower models. 

For example, the LG G4 has been taken care of on all five carriers, and that goes for the LG G4C.  This would appear that the LG G3 has also had its upgrade.  So, is there anything for the G2?  Perhaps.  At least the LG V10 has been taken care of, with the International edition as well as United States versions of Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T, as well as other carriers eventually. 

According to Tech Radar, there is actually going to be a lower end Marshmallow working its way to the LG Magna and the LG Spirit.  It is expected that the LG G Flex 2 should be getting the upgrade as well. 

As far as the release date of Android Nougat for LG, I am actually very positive about that.  The company went out of its way last year to say that they were going to be the first manufacturer of Android devices to upgrade to Marshmallow.  Of course, Google and their new Nexus devices will be the first to receive it, but that won't be coming until September at the earliest. 

Chances are, the LG G5 will probably have Android Nougat before the year is out.  It will probably have to go through a whole gamut of "soak tests" in countries that aren't America, but what can you say.  Then Nougat will go to all other, older LG phones. 

The best advice one can give is if you have a newer LG Android device, it would be worth your while to check the "Settings" menu along with the "System Update" to see if the upgrade is available.  It looks like things are progressing very well for LG, and it shouldn't take long before all of the newer devices have Android M on all carriers, assuming that it isn't already.