Google October 4 Launch Event: Possible Merger of Chrome and Android, Andromeda project

Google Logo
The new Google logo is seen at the Google headquarters in Mountain View, California November 13, 2015. REUTERS/Stephen Lam REUTERS

Something is brewing this October 4, 2016 over at Google’s headquarters, and we simply wait in suspense to figure out just what it is. There are many areas in which Google has dipped its fingers into, so a new search engine algorithm is not going to create waves. Rather, we are looking into the very real possibility of a formal announcement on its project that will merge both Chrome and Android into a single OS (operating system) that does not care which device it runs on -- a notebook, smartphone or tablet.

If that happens, then it would certainly be revolutionary -- at least from the Android user’s point of view. Apart from a possible merger of Chrome and Android, there should also be announcements concerning a slew of other devices. Home is one of them -- touted to be an Amazon Echo competitor, in addition to a version of Chromecast that supports 4K.

Not only that, Google’s Senior Vice President of Android, Play, and Chrome, Hiroshi Lockheimer, tweeted something which points in the direction of something far more earth shattering than a Pixel handset, through a project that is known as 'Andromeda'. The tweet reads, “We announced the 1st version of Android 8 years ago today. I have a feeling 8 years from now we'll be talking about Oct 4, 2016."

Far from being a revolutionary idea and more of stating the obvious, it is something that industry watchers might want to take note of -- perhaps the Andromeda project is going to be more of a necessity than an evolution.

Will Google occupy the special space in the market that will see them bridge not only the desktop but mobile space as well? So far, Microsoft and Ubuntu have been documented to jump into the fray for that department, and their efforts have come up short. Will Google beat Apple to the punch where a single OS will cover all aspects of computing life -- from mobile to the office and the living room? It would be hard to imagine a full blown OS run on something as small as a smart watch though, so there might still be exceptions to the rule when the day comes.

It remains to be seen whether the Google October 4 event will offer a glimpse of the Andromeda project, but you can be sure that many will strain their necks and work the zoom lens overtime if anything were to be shown for a while.

Either way, there might be a new Pixel smartphone that is ready to be announced, and the much touted $129 price point for Google’s yet unnamed Amazon Echo rival could finally be confirmed. What do you think?

Will Google wow the world yet again with something that has been kept under wraps so well, that we do not even know what it is? Or will rumors that have already made their way outward become reality? Or will we see an announcement made concerning the release of the Android 7.0 Nougat update on all of Google’s handsets? Let us stay tuned and wait for one more week before all is revealed.