November 4, 2016-It's been almost two months since Pokémon Go releases its Buddy feature which proved to be a success with users able to portray as Ash and Pikachu of the hit Japanese TV series. Today, another version is up for grabs with version 1.11.4 now available on iOS devices including Apple Watch 2, and version 0.43.4 on Android.
At a hefty usage demand of at least 200 MB for iOS and 46 MB for Android, Pokémon Go proves the value in its app with over 100 million downloads to date, and 10 million USD in daily revenue. Although some question this press release, the game's popularity and its strategic presence in holidays such as the recent Halloween go to show that Pokémon Go is not going anywhere soon.
New updates include a cap on Pokémon sightings if you are detected to be moving more than 30 miles per hour. This is a new safety feature as a response to more than 110,000 road accidents in the US since the game was released in July 2016.
The new update also features Catch Bonus, where every catch made can earn you a point that can go towards helping you out catch rare Pokémon, which include Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle and Wartortle among others. The Catch Bonus can also help you find "super rare" Pokémon such as Farfetch'd, Ditto, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime and Lapras.
Another feature called Capture Location works much like Google's Location History where you can map out every Pokémon you've caught and where exactly you caught them. This is useful especially for users who take Pokémon Go seriously, who work their way to earning eligibility marks for Pokémon Tournaments currently held in more than 50 countries.
Niantic, the brains behind Pokémon Go, also emphasizes that with the new update, users can opt to put at most six Pokémon to Gym Training where they are taught of skills in endurance and fighting strategies. This proved to be an upgrade demand by fans since the game app was launched July this year.
To put an icing on top to these new features, Pokémon Go Plus, valued at 35 USD, has also been released as an optional add-on. Bluetooth connected, this add-on device alerts you with lights and vibrations for when a Pokémon is available to catch. Not only a safety feature, it also gives users the chance to catch more Pokémon in challenging areas such as busy streets and crossings.