Technological advances have made it possible for people to connect wherever they are in the world. Calling and messaging apps such as Facetime, Google Hangouts, iMessage, Line, Skype, Slack, Snapchat, Viber, and WhatsApp are being used worldwide not only for personal reasons, but also for business. But there are apps available out there especially designed for long distance couples, to add in a bit of 'sweetness' to usual texts.
Many LDR (Long Distance Relationship) couples agree that good communication is key. Quality talks and texts can spell the difference, and experts agree that too much spamming is detrimental. Good messaging apps for LDR couples are those which "allow interactions beyond just words and emoticons."
Our team has compiled the best messaging apps for LDR couples. Choices are based on uniqueness, features and ease of use:
1. LoveByte
Bylined as a "private space for two," LoveByte features cutesy couple features such as countdown calendars for anniversaries and when a couple first met (even having "XX Days Together" as a welcome banner when the app is opened); relationship milestones; writing of goals together; and sharing of favorite quotations and things found online. It is built for the cheesy couple-- think Korean dramas-- who like wearing couple shirts and calling each other by endearing names.
2. Avocado
Avocado was built by a couple and lives by its motto, "for all couples, everywhere." It features private messaging wherein a password is needed to access couple chats; a relationship milestone calendar that is easily synched with Google Calendar; a list tab both can contribute to which proves particularly helpful for collaborative decisions like grocery shopping and buying a new house; and a personalized sketch pad which both can share to each other. It is built for couples who intend to use the app for organizing tasks both have to contribute to.
3. Couple
The Couple app is thus named as "an intimate place for two." It was made famous by its Thumbkiss, a real-time 'kiss' that can be sent to a partner. Live Sketch is also a popular feature of this app, with couples able to draw at the same time on one canvass. Lists and notes can also be shared, and each can edit and add to them. The app is built for couples who like doing things together but are hindered by distance.
Couples in an LDR may find it more challenging to maintain the relationship being far apart. But some couples say it is possible to make the relationship work. As one says of her experience, "I spent two years in a long-distance relationship and it was one of the best experiences of my life."