We might be close to completing the first half of the month this January, but this does not mean that we are unable to peer into the crystal ball and check out what is in store for the month of February 2017 where free PlayStation Plus games are available for subscribers. We do know that not too many people were pleased with PlayStation Plus games offered this month, as not all of the titles would see a uniform release. Some might make it to Asia and not in Europe or North America, and vice versa. We shall look at some titles that have already found its way to Asia, but not quite yet made the trek to the US or Europe in the form of PlayStation Plus free games for February 2017.
Gravity Rush Remastered
There is nothing quite like being able to enjoy a gravity-defying action title right smack in the middle of the living room, right? Those living in Asia were already able to enjoy Gravity Rush Remastered in September last year as a PlayStation Plus subscriber, which certainly raised a few eyebrows as this title did not get much attention back then. It seemed that the release of Gravity Rush Remastered for gamers in Asia with a PlayStation Plus subscription was in conjunction with the free celebration of Tokyo Game Show 2016. As Gravity Rush 2 is ready to be released this January 20th, it might make perfect sense to throw in Gravity Rush Remastered for the PlayStation Plus Free Games February 2017 lineup. Doing so would certainly be considered as free advertising of sorts among gamers, which will hopefully translate to sales in the sequel.
For folks who do not want frantic and fast paced games, Alienation would be a good substitute. This is a top-down RPG shooter which was developed by the very same people who were behind Resogun and Dead Nation. From being just a solo or up to 4-player online top-down shooting game, it was eventually decided to throw in local co-op support for added mayhem. Alienation is the perfect game to have when you have a small group of friends over. With Alienation arriving for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers this month, it would make perfect sense for the title to be released to other subscribers living in different regions next month.
Japan PS Plus
Another point of contention against the uniformity of free game releases worldwide for PlayStation Plus subscribers would be this -- the Japan PlayStation Network Store happens to be separated from the rest of Asia, too. It seems that several titles in the Japan PlayStation Network has not yet been released elsewhere. One of the titles would be Guerilla Games’ Killzone: Shadowfall, where it was part of Japan’s PS Plus lineup in December 2014. That was certainly a long time ago. The other title that many gamers worldwide would have loved to play for free would be The Evil Within, where gamers in Japan picked it up for free in July last year.
What do you think of the PlayStation Plus Free Games February 2017 predictions?