Marriages are supposed to be made in heaven, but there are times when things do seem to be the other way around. Well, Josh and Anna Duggar have both tied the knot for a fair number of years, but it does not seem as though things are working out at the moment especially where their marriage is concerned. So far, divorce rumors have been swirling around the couple for a long time now, especially when Josh stepped forward with the confession that he had been philandering behind his wife Anna’s back. Credit to the two of them however, that he and Anna Duggar were united not to respond to any kind of rumors and information that were splashed all over the tabloids. This was well within their right of course, and it makes perfect sense since they would be better off shying away from the glare of the spotlight.
However, there was an In Touch Weekly story that claimed how Anna had already come into contact with a divorce attorney, and this was not left alone by the couple as they took a united front to speak out against the false claim. Josh and Anna Duggar’s representative went ahead to contact Fox News on the Duggar’s behalf, and then issued a really, really short statement concerning the divorce rumors, “The report is absolutely not true.”
According to The Hollywood Gossip, there was a supposed Duggar family “insider” who informed the tabloid that Anna Duggar is no longer having physical intimacy with her husband, and she is currently “toying with the idea” of divorcing him and “squeezing every penny out of him she can.” The In Touch source claimed, “Anna and Josh share the same bed, but she never has sex with him anymore. She just does not want to.”
This particular report also claimed how Anna is upset (which is not a surprising reaction, really, as it makes plenty of sense) from Josh Duggar’s philandering. Perhaps if Josh was not caught having multiple accounts on the Ashley Madison website, he might not have come clean because he would not have been exposed, and would most probably have continued ahead with his wayward ways. Of course, we are not in a position to judge, but that would be the most likely outcome. There is also a very small possibility of Josh actually coming to his senses and realizing that he could no longer hide his faults any more and decided to make a clean break from his past.
Perhaps Josh Duggar is incensed against the fictitious story featured in In Touch, simply because this particular tabloid was instrumental in exposing him in May a couple of years back. In Touch did report then on how Josh sexually molested five young girls while he was a teen, and then offered the relevant police reports that are in connection to the story, with four of Josh’s victims being his own younger sisters.
What do you think Josh and Anna Duggar are going to do now? Will they separate from one another, or will they continue to stay together and salvage their marriage? With God's help, anything is possible.