Televangelist James Robison has said that God is speaking to the United States through Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, but those who are "blinded" by Satan will refuse to hear His message.
"God wants to speak to us right now in the midst of the storms," the 73-year-old co-founder of LIFE Outreach International and host of LIFE Today began a Facebook video posted Wednesday.
"With Harvey, with Irma, there is a message from God we need to hear here in the United States. We need to hear it clearly. It's urgent, crucially important. Those who are dull of hearing, who have dim vision or who have been blinded by the great deceiver will not see, will not hear. But I can assure you, I'm seeing, I'm hearing, and as surely as God spoke to Job in the whirlwind, He can speak to us today."
He continued, "Now let me tell you what He wants us to hear: When you look at the aftermath of Harvey, which could prove to be one of the most disastrous natural disasters in American history, when you look at the love, compassion, courage, personal sacrifice, and dedication, you're actually seeing an undeniable demonstration of what it looks like to love your neighbor, with a Good Samaritan love."
He added, "You're seeing love. Miraculous demonstrations of it. You're seeing the American family function like a healthy family."
The pastor noted that Irma, a category 4 hurricane that has killed at least 18 on the Caribbean islands, could well be the most devastating storm ever in terms of wind velocity. The Red Cross estimates that 1.2 million people have already been battered by the storm and warned that it poses a serious threat to millions more.
"We don't know yet where it's going, but yes, we need to hear, because once again, the American family is going to be called together to deal with this catastrophic event, and they will deal with it effectively, because they deal with it with the love, once again, of the Good Samaritan," the pastor said.
"You're seeing the kind of demonstration of human involvement that is required to address every challenge, every difficulty, every weakness, every enemy together. You're not going to solve a problem if you can't sit together like a family," he continued.
Robison, who has met with and advised governmental leaders since 1980, went on to defend President's Trump's recent move to rescind DACA, an Obama-era order temporarily protecting immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children.
The pastor pointed out that critics of President Trump are "calling him names" and "calling him unloving" because of this decision - even though Obama's original order was "unconstitutional."
"He's correcting something that even the former president, who did the incorrect action, said was wrong in the first place," he said. "When are we going to stop the nonsense? When are the American people going say 'Enough is enough'" and come together to reason like a family.
"I believe that [Trump] could walk on water, raise the dead, heal the blind, heal the sick, perform miracle after miracle, and he would still be hated by today's liberal media. He would be accused, if we have 150 million people praising him for what he did because it was positive, the media would find two people to criticize him and that would be headlines."
The Bible commands us to pray for all leaders and politicans - whether we agree with them or not, Robison said, pointing to 1 Timothy 2:1-2: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
"I'm going to continue to share the truth. Period," he said, adding that as tragic as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are, if North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has his way and launches a thermonuclear attack on America or its allies, "nothing these hurricanes have unleashed on us will compare with the devastation and the horror of what happens."
If that occurs, "we will have to be one another's neighbor again in the midst of that crisis to try and climb out from under the ashes," he said.
"I'm telling you that God wants to give us His wisdom, His guidance, His direction [regarding] how to deal with this enemy," he said, urging Christians to pray for a "miracle transformation."