Dove Award-winning and Grammy nominee singer Natalie Grant is faced with the possibility of a thyroid cancer diagnosis as she prepares to undergo surgery in October to remove her tumors for a full diagnosis. She is requesting her fans to pray for her and her family and for the upcoming treatment to go smoothly.
"Three years ago, I had an ultrasound on my thyroid, and at that time the doctors found several tumors, nodules on my thyroid and they looked benign and unconcerning and just want to keep a close watch several times over the years," she announced through a video posted on her Facebook page. "Two weeks ago, I had an ultrasound, and two of the tumors on the right side of my thyroid decided to not stay unconcerning."
Grant is scheduled to receive the surgery to remove the two tumors on October 10. She expressed her gratitude that even if it is thyroid cancer, it is usually very treatable and can be completely cured.
"Anytime you hear the word cancer, it is terrifying. And I know that many of you who are watching this video have gone through this. Someone that you love have faced cancer, and you know how terrifying that is," she said. "I've been told that Thyroid cancer, if you had to choose one, I don't know anybody who would choose to have cancer, but if you had to choose one, thyroid cancer would be one that you would want to choose, because it is so treatable and curable."
Despite the high chances of recovery, the "King of the World" singer tried to hold back her tears as she explained how the surgery may affect her ability to sing in the future.
"The surgery is a little bit more risky because I am a singer, and the thyroid is kind of all tangled up in the vocal box and vocal chords, so there could be some changes to my voice," she said. "Though I'm not even declaring that, because I have complete faith in my God. He never goes back on his word and he never breaks his promises. The promises that he didn't just make to me, but that he made to my mom when I was in her womb about how my voice would be the voice to the nations. He is not going to break his promise. That's just who he is."
Grant received the Gospel Music Association's Dove Award for Female Vocalist of the Year for four consecutive years from 2006-2009, and again in 2012. She has also been nominated for six Grammy Awards (2012, 2014, 2015, and 2017).
"Though, of course, I'm afraid, I'm human, every time fear begins to well up. I have a greater understanding of the scripture that says to take every thought captive, and that is actually a daily discipline for me right now," the singer said. "I'm asking you, would you pray for me, pray for my husband and my daughters, who are, of course, super concerned for their mama, pray for wisdom for the doctors, for God's grace and mercy on my voice."

Grant has canceled her concerts in October until the end of November.
While asking for prayers, she said that she is standing on many scriptures, and one of them is in the book of Romans where it said that the gift and the promises of God are irrevocable, "I just know that to be true."
Just hours after posting her video, Grant posted a clarification about her health diagnosis, and testified of God's goodness through it all.
"There has been no clear and definitive diagnosis, because the tumors are still inside of me and have yet to be removed and fully examined. I'm praying and believing that once they begin to fully examine the tissue, they will find NO TRACE of cancer, regardless of what those tumors look like," she wrote. "Again - there can be no clear diagnosis until my surgery. And even if there is cancer - HE IS STILL GOOD. And He is still faithful. And He is still kind. And He is still my healer.
"Cancer IS a scary word. But I refuse to allow the fear of the known, or the unknown, to rule me. Voice change MAY be a common complication of this surgery, but I will not speak it as my complication. And even if it becomes my complication - HE IS STILL GOOD. And He is still faithful. And He is still kind. And He is still my healer."
Correction: September 21, 2017
An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that Grant has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, but no definitive diagnosis has been made since the tumors must first be removed and fully examined.
On Day of Thyroid Surgery, CCM Artist Natalie Grant Says Faith of Fans Has 'Carried' Her
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