Article By By A.W. Tozer
  • Sacrifice is No Substitute for Obedience

    It is almost unbelievable how far we will go to avoid obeying God. We call Jesus "Lord" and beg Him to rejuvenate our souls, but we are careful to do not the things He says. When faced with a sin, a confession or a moral alteration in our life, we find it much easier to pray half a night than to obey God.

  • The Blessedness of Obedience

    It will take more than talk and prayer to bring revival. There must be a return to the Lord in practice before our prayers will be heard in heaven. We dare not continue to trouble God's way if we want Him to bless ours. Joshua sent his army up to conquer Ai, only to see them hurled back with bloody losses.

  • Leaders Who Are Spiritual Visionaries

    The great deficiency to which I refer is the lack of spiritual discernment, especially among our leaders. How there can be so much Bible knowledge and so little insight, so little moral penetration, is one of the enigmas of the religious world today.

  • Evidence of the Spirit at Work

    Someone wrote to me recently asking what I meant by a statement which occurs in the booklet Paths to Power, which I wrote some years ago. The passage reads: ''No one was ever filled with the Holy Spirit without knowing it. The Holy Spirit always announces Himself to the human consciousness.''

  • David's Power Source

    What made David run? What makes the child run and shout with glee on a summer morning? What brings the lover to the door where his beloved dwells? David was a God-intoxicated man. He had gazed on God until he was enraptured and that rapture he could not always contain. While still a young man, in the presence of the holy Ark he let himself go in an ecstatic dance that delighted God as much as it outraged the coldhearted Michal.