Article By By Chuck Colson
  • Sleepless in Shanghai

    Remember all the Malthusian scare talk of a generation ago about overpopulation? Boy, were they wrong.

  • Why Marriage Matters

    Say you’re having a conversation with a non-believing friend or a co-worker, and you want to defend the traditional Christian view of marriage. You are well prepared to appeal to Scripture-to talk about how God made man and woman, how He instituted marriage.

  • A Religious Scientist?

    It was good news when I picked up the New York Times and read that a good friend of mine, Francis Collins, was picked by President Obama to become the head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

  • The Smiling Unborn Child

    In 1984, a video called The Silent Scream helped change the way people think about the unborn child. The footage of an actual abortion and the fetus’s reaction reminded us that abortion involves the death of a real person.

  • The Passing of a Pop Star

    I am an aging, white conservative Baptist. My taste in music runs from Bach to Mozart to Lawrence Welk. Indeed, my staff might say I am the un-hippest man alive.