Article By By Josh Kimball
  • Wicca Experts Encourage Christians to Engage America's 'Fastest-Growing' Religion

    While many Christians today are closely monitoring the growth and activity of Islam, especially after 9/11, another religious movement has been steadily growing “under the radar” and could become among the largest religions in the United States in less than five years.

  • MTV VMA Host Draws Rebuke for Crude Jokes, Purity Ring Remarks

    LOS ANGELES – The biggest Hollywood buzz from Sunday’s 2008 MTV Video Music Awards may have been Britney Spears’ hailed comeback, but taking a close second would likely be the crude antics of little-known British comedian Russell Brand, who took shots at President Bush, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and the family-friendly Jonas Brothers, among others.

  • Franklin Graham Among 'Billy' Movie Critics

    While the upcoming movie based on the life of Billy Graham has been rallying supporters months ahead of its Oct. 10 release, it has also garnered some critics – the most prominent of which is the renowned evangelist’s son.