Article By By Lillian Kwon
  • Two PCUSA Presbyteries Reject Pro-Gay Clergy Measure

    Two regional bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have rejected a proposed amendment that would allow non-celibate gays and lesbians to be ordained.

  • Megachurch Pastor 'Politicked' and Speaking Out

    "I don't know about you but I'm politicked!" said the lead pastor of one of the largest churches in the country as he kicked off a controversial sermon series on faith and politics.

  • Reveal: Churches Aim for Disciples, Not Casual Christians

    Pastor Bill Hybels didn't give his life to the development of the local church just to gather a bunch of casual Christians, he says. He gave it to see people far from God find the love of Christ and fully devote themselves to God and what He is doing.

  • SBC Head: Love the Homosexual, Hate OUR Sin

    Christians often say "love the sinner, hate the sin" when expressing their stance on homosexuality. But the new leader of the Southern Baptist Convention wants to offer something different.

  • Grant Aims to Expand Pro-Gay Churches

    A $1.2 million grant has been awarded to expand the efforts of gay and lesbian groups in increasing the number of churches that fully welcome and affirm homosexuals.