Article By By Maria Mackay
  • Calif. Pastor Frustrated with 'Comfortable' Christianity

    LONDON – Radical living was not only for the early church believers, but it's what the church today is also called to, said one pastor.

  • Hunger for Bible ''Growing'' in China

    The church is growing in China and with it the demand for Bibles, visitors to this year's international Christian Resources Exhibition heard yesterday. The head of Bible Society's China Partnership programme, Kua Wee Seng, said that Amity Printing Press, the only government-approved Bible printer in China, was struggling to keep up with demand.

  • Millions Challenged to Stand with Poor in 2010

    The head of a worldwide Christian movement to end poverty is urging everyone to play their part this year.

    Millions Challenged to Stand with Poor in 2010
  • Perseverence and Resilience Five Years after Boxing Day Tsunami

    Five years after a devastating tsunami wiped out vast coastal areas in India, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, homes and communities have been rebuilt and Christian aid agency Tearfund is getting ready to pull out.

    Perseverence and Resilience Five Years after Boxing Day Tsunami
  • Christians Must Present God as a Good God, Says Evangelical

    LONDON – The most important role for Christians today is not to rehabilitate the church, but rather to help people realize again that the God Christians serve is a good God, said the former head of the U.K. Evangelical Alliance.