Article By By Michelle A. Vu
  • WEA to Hold General Assembly after 7 Years

    The world’s largest evangelical body will hold its first general assembly in seven years this October and will be presenting many new structures and projects, according to officials.

  • Survey: Most Americans Believe God Uniquely Blessed U.S.

    WASHINGTON - Most Americans strongly believe that God has uniquely blessed America, and a similar majority believe that the United States should set the example as a Christian nation to the rest of the world, a survey, released Wednesday, found.

  • Release of Iranian Apostates Garners Praise, Caution

    A ministry leader who works with the persecuted Church described the release of two Iranian apostates this past week as a “wonderful development,” but cautioned that danger may await the Muslims turned Christians.

  • Palin: I Identify with the Average American Struggles

    Often criticized for being inaccessible, Sarah Palin opened up this week in her first radio interview since becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee to reveal her thoughts on her critics, her faith, and the economic struggles currently faced by Americans.

  • India Violence Spreads Despite Christian Protests

    Anti-Christian violence in India continues unabated despite escalating calls for the central government to intervene and stop the attacks on Christians.