Article By By Michelle A. Vu
  • Passion to 22,000 Students: Be Free, Fully Alive in Jesus

    ATLANTA – People want to be here. That’s the sense you get when you come to the Passion 2011 conference that opened Saturday, New Year’s Day, with 22,000 students.

    Passion to 22,000 Students: Be Free, Fully Alive in Jesus
  • Robert Park: Kim Jong-il's Regime Is Disturbed by Me

    The Kim Jong-il regime thought it broke Robert Park, the Korean-American who illegally entered North Korea last Christmas, but it is wrong. In spite of the torture and humiliation he endured, he is back in South Korea speaking out against the regime and he knows the North is observing his every move.

    Robert Park: Kim Jong-il's Regime Is Disturbed by Me
  • Interview: Limbless Nick Vujicic on Secret of Being Joyful

    Nick Vujicic, the inspiring man with no arms and legs but a smile on his face, spoke to The Christian Post recently about his new book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life. In the interview, he shares his secret of how he is joyful despite his disability and how he was able to write the book without fingers.

    Interview: Limbless Nick Vujicic on Secret of Being Joyful
  • Kay Warren on HIV/AIDS: God Broke My Heart, Wiped Me Out

    The magnitude of the HIV/AIDS pandemic weighs heavily on her daily and threatens to take her down, said Kay Warren in a special World AIDS Day webcast Wednesday.

    Kay Warren on HIV/AIDS: God Broke My Heart, Wiped Me Out
  • Man Without Limbs: Live Without Limits

    Even with arms and legs, most people have not surfed in Waikiki Beach, conducted a 60-piece orchestra, gone to the slums of India and Egypt, or performed circus stunts for a Hollywood movie. But a man born without limbs did all that and more by the age of 27.

    Man Without Limbs: Live Without Limits