Article By Joseph Leung
  • Amid Protests, Hong Kong Backs Down on Compulsory 'Patriotism' Classes

    On Saturday, Hong Kong’s government has backed down on enforcing the plan for elementary and secondary school students to take Chinese patriotism classes, after tens of thousands took to the streets in protest ahead of legislative polls.

    Amid Protests, Hong Kong Backs Down on Compulsory 'Patriotism' Classes
  • 10,000 Anti-Abortion Protestors Urge for Redefinition of Human Life on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill

    Last Thursday, over 10,000 anti-abortion protestors marched from Parliament Hill through the streets of Ottawa in the annual march against legalized abortion. Those who participated include various protestant and catholic organizations, religious leaders and families with little children, who called on the government to legislate protection for all human beings from the time of conception to the moment of natural death.

  • Tohoku Celebration of Hope with Franklin Graham in Japan Draws Record-Break Crowd

    A year has passed since the March 11th Japan earthquake and tsunami. Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade (BGEA) shared that the Japanese, who had been relatively critical towards Christianity, have softened to be more receptive after the earthquake, according to an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).

    Tohoku Celebration of Hope with Franklin Graham in Japan Draws Record-Break Crowd
  • Chinese Churches in Japan Unite in One Heart for Revival

    Chinese Coordination Center of World Evangelism (CCCOWE) recently published the mission developments and prayer needs of Japan’s mission field on its website. While Japan has been known for the difficulty in spreading the gospel, the Chinese churches in Japan have been revealing a unity in seeking for a gospel revival.

  • Influential Chinese Economist Zhao Xiao: World’s Biggest Church is in China

    Influential Chinese economist Zhao Xiao recently reported that the biggest church in the world is in China rather than what’s commonly thought to be Rev. Yonggi Cho's Full Gospel Church in South Korea. China is undergoing a transformative change as a result of the cross, where in some of its areas the churches are greatly revived, number of believers has surpassed half of the population, said Zhao, founder and chairman of Beijing-registered Cypress Leadership Institute, at a seminar hosted by Fu

    Influential Chinese Economist Zhao Xiao: World’s Biggest Church is in China