Article By Lillian Kwon
  • How to Win A Billion Souls: Multiplication

    DALLAS – Evangelizing a billion souls can be done within a generation, say church leaders. It's a reasonable goal for the more than one billion people who profess to be Christians, they add, but Chri

  • Teen Mania Brands Millions for God 20 Years Later

    Two decades have passed since one of the world's largest youth organizations had its start in Tulsa, Okla. After reaching more than 2 million teens and hosting nearly 450 live arena events, Teen Mani

  • Evangelical Lutherans to Release Final Study on Human Sexuality

    Evangelical Lutherans are signing off on their final human sexuality study to obtain an accurate picture of the different voices on homosexuality in the church.

  • InterVarsity Files Suit Against University of Wisconsin

    InterVarsity Christian Fellowship faces another boot out of a university campus for alleged discrimination in its leadership. The major campus ministry filed suit on Monday against the head of the Uni

  • IBS Looking Into Strategic Merger

    Amid the search for its next leader, the International Bible Society announced plans for a global strategic alliance with one of the largest distributors of Christian literature in the world for a mor