Article By Richard N. Ostling
  • Global Shift in Christianity Tops List of Religious Developments

    Gordon-Conwell seminary's Center for the Study of Global Christianity says 62 percent of the world's 2 billion Christians live in Africa, Asia and Latin America, a percentage that's destined to ris

  • Presbyterian Church Shifts Investment Plan

    The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) national assembly has softened its 2-year-old policy on disinvesting in companies that do business with Israel and has shifted more strongly against late-term abortion

  • Presbyterians to Decide on Gay Clergy

    It is a debate that could change the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) forever: whether to allow leeway on the ordination of gay clergy and lay elders and deacons.

  • Evangelicals Tightlipped on Immigration

    While the Roman Catholic Church, mainline Protestants, Jews and Muslims have backed the emerging immigrants' rights movement, the situation has proved more complex for some conservative Protestants.

  • 'Da Vinci Code' Film Opens Today, Softens Novel

    While it will still offend some Christians, it turns out that the movie version of 'The Da Vinci Code' subtly softens some of the religiously disputed aspects of Dan Brown's novel.