EXCLUSIVE: Fuller Professor Dr. Salvatierra Shares Insights from Latino Immigrant Churches, Offering Insights for Asian Immigrant Churches
Dr. Alexia Salvatierra reflected on her research on Latino immigrant churches, explored the intergenerational tensions within immigrant churches, and shared how dialogue and reconciliation can bridge these generational divides. Her insights are not only guiding for Latino immigrant churches but also offer profound lessons for Asian American churches.
Rev. Zhigang: From “Reserved” to “Outreach”, Church Transformation is Urgently Needed
Newly elected president of the North American Continental Church Mission and the Chinese Pastors' Fellowship, Rev. Zhigang Zhang recently talked about the challenges North American Chinese churches are facing after the pandemic and the dire need for transformation. He believes that the churches urgently need to change from a “reserved” to an “outreach” model.
Referencing 'Home Church' Model; Taiwan Hopes to Set Up 20,000 Gathering Place in Three Years
Taiwan churches have grown rapidly in recent years but has become more and more enterprise-oriented. A pastor couple from the United States came to Taiwan to share the experience of church planting.
Taiwan Churches See Hope in Desperation; 'WOW Project' Helps Young People Rise Up
Taiwan churches are growing rapidly. There are more than 1,000 new churches opened in the past 10 years. Churches tend to be large-scaled and enterprise-oriented. However, they are facing many potential problems, such as losing young people. In an interview with Christian Daily, Top Church’s founder, Pastor Zhang Maosong, pointed out that churches face the challenges of staying modern and relevant for younger members.
Church Leaders in Britain 'Finding New Ways' to Spread Gospel Amid Increase in Religious 'Nones'
September 5, 2017: Christian leaders in Britain have vowed to "keep finding new ways" to spread the Gospel after a new study found that the UK is becoming an increasingly godless society, with more than half of the population now describing themselves as having "no religion".
Why Your Words Matter in Shaping Your Life
There is power in your words more than you may know it. The course of your life is directed by what you speak. And what you speak is what is in the heart.
‘Comeback’ of Christianity in Europe Seen Decades After Fall of Iron Curtain
Christianity has made a "comeback" in Europe, becoming a significant part of individual and national identity since the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1991, according to new research.
Many Pastors Overworked, Feel Inadequate, Says Survey—Find Out How You Can Help Prevent Pastor Burnout
An online survey conducted among pastors revealed that many of them are working more hours than they should and that, at times, they feel unable to meet what their role demands.
Evangelical Churches in Brazil Rapidly Expand in Slum Communities: ‘God Is the Only Option for the Poor’
Evangelical churches in Brazil are rapidly growing, and the growth is found mostly in favelas or slum communities.
Historic Church Closes, Reflects US Pattern of Less Rituals, Observance
A Tempe, Ariz., church that opened in 1892, The First Congregational United Church of Christ, held its last service on Sunday due to low church attendance and an inability to financially support itself.
Evangelical Churches, Christian Services Growing in Cuba
Cuban pastors and worshippers say they are in the middle of a boom in evangelical worship, despite the country's atheism-anchored history.
Muslim Converts Revitalize Europe’s Fading Christian Churches
Due to Muslim conversions, faith leaders indicate Christianity now is making a comeback in Europe.
Church Congregation Wants to Create Own Police Force in Alabama
Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Ala., wants to add a service offering no other U.S. church has: Its own police force.
Mother of Man Who Killed Pastor Embraces Christianity After Witnessing Forgiveness, Compassion of Church
The mother of a man who struck a pastor with his car, killing him, embraced Christianity after witnessing the compassion and forgiveness extended by the church's congregation.
Vietnam: 2 Y/O Crippled Girl Miraculously Begins Walking After Pastors Pray Over Her
A young Vietnamese couple is rejoicing after their crippled 2-year-old daughter miraculously began walking thanks to the prayers of local missionaries.
Feast Feb. 2: Presentation of Child Jesus on #Candlemas
Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, or Purification of the Blessed Virgin, is being observed today (Feb. 2) by Christians around the world. While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night (Epiphany Eve), those in other Christian countries historically remove them on Candlemas. On Candlemas, many Christians (especially Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans, Orthodox and Roman Catholics) also take their candles to their local
Christian Master's Student Refuses to Counsel Gays, Sues and Wins $25K from Missouri University
Missouri State University officials just agreed to pay $25,000 to a former student who sued the school after he was removed from a master's degree counseling program, because he said he wouldn't counsel gay couples. Andrew Cash sued the university last April, claiming in the lawsuit he was "targeted and punished for expressing his Christian worldview." However, his personal religious stance presented professional issues, given the national counselors' code of ethics.
Faith-Based Politics: How Many US Politicians Truly Believe in Christianity and in What Form?
Pew Research Center on Religion and Public Life staffers released a new study that indicates one of two vastly different realities: either "a profound theological dissonance" exists between American people and those they elect as their representatives in Congress, or "a great number of those representatives lie to people who take surveys," proposes Charles P. Pierce, lead political blogger for Esquire.