A shocking report has emerged out of Pakistan, where a 17-year-old Christian girl in was killed by a group of Muslim men because she rejected their sexual advances.
According to a report from the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA), the girl, simply known as Kiran, and two of her friends were walking home to their Christian community after work when they were approached by four Muslim men in a car.
The men, who were heavily intoxicated, began shouting "lewd and suggestive" comments to the girls before ordering them to get in the car "for a ride and some fun," BPCA reported.
Explaining that they were Christians, the young women refused to obey the Muslim men, and attempted to flee.
According to the survivors, the men became angry and began shouting, "How dare you run away from us! Christian girls are only meant for one thing - the pleasure of Muslim men."
The men then ran the girls down in their car, injuring Kiran's two friends, who suffered broken bones.
However, Kiran suffered a far worse fate: "The impact of the car lifted her off the ground and onto the bonnet of the car, where she thumped the windscreen," reads the report. "The young men continued to laugh in their drunken stupor and increased their speed, finally braking when they could see another car before them. The momentum of the emergency stop threw Kiran up into the air and rapidly onto the floor where she cracked her head open and smashed numerous bones, the resulting internal bleeding killed her within minutes."
In a particularly disturbing move, Pakistani police in turn forced the Kiran's family to pay a bribe before making an official report of the assault and murder.
Naveed Aziz, BPCA's representative in the area, said the survivors are "grateful to God for saving them but have been inconsolable at the loss of a close friend. Other girls in the local area are now too scared to travel at night and are being accompanied by the men in their families. The community wants justice for poor Kiran and seeks an end to the targeting of young Christian girls."
Pakistan, the world's second largest Muslim country, is ranked #6 on the Open Doors 2016 World Watch List of the worst persecutors of Christians, and has received the maximum score in the violence category.
Wilson Chowdhry, chairman of the BPCA, said that violence against Christians in the region is "rarely investigated and highly unlikely to be met with justice."
"The usual pattern in these cases is for Christians to pay a bribe to encourage police to complete their duty of registering an investigation, and for the criminals to pay further bribes for the police to spoil the investigation."
Chowdhry said the world is ignoring the treatment of Christian women in Pakistan, where an average of two women a day disappear and are raped, sold into sexual slavery, or forced to marry Muslim men.
"Evidence exists that some rogue imams declare that such acts of conversion through violence are rewarded in heaven, what a terrifying thought," Chowdhry said.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in Christians echoed such warnings, writing, "Even in Western nations, Muslims from Pakistan believe it is their right to rape and sexually abuse 'infidel' women - or even Muslim women if they are out at night unaccompanied or not wearing a veil. Of course a veiled woman might also be attacked, but then the rape would be the same as for a non-Muslim rapist -- he wants what he wants and that's that."
He added, "But if she is a Muslim out on her own, he can rationalize away or justify the rape as 'his right' since she is acting like an infidel, so supposedly deserves what she gets. This author knows of no instance where a Muslim man targeted a Muslim woman because he thinks it is his 'right'."