'19 Kids and Counting' Duggars Daughters: Jill Dillard's Baby Boy Israel and Jessa Seewald Pregnancy Update

Jessa Duggar
Jessa Duggar feeling her tummy. @jessaseewald

Jessa Duggar Seewald of the 19 Kids and Counting fame, is not worried about her pregnancy. After all, she has her sister Jill Dillard, the 23-year-old midwife student who welcomed her first son Israel David with husband Derick on April 6 this year after a 70-hour labor.

"I am not comparing, not worrying about what could happen, we are just getting prepared," Jessa Seewald People in an interview as she described Jill as someone who "has all the knowledge and training," about pregnancy.

Jessa explained that she is taking her pregnancy day by day and has welcomed some respite after her morning sickness, due to the pregnancy, is already waning. Jessa is on the 19th week of her pregnancy and is due to give birth on November 1 this year.

"Every birth story is unique. We think we want to go with a midwife and plan for a home birth, but I want to just be prepared that not everything may go as planned and try not to get too worried about it," she continued.

The 22-year-old third daughter of the Duggar family went on to say, "I thought I'd crave pickles and lemons because my mother did, but I couldn't stand them. And one day I suddenly couldn't do dairy. I would sit and bed and eat crackers, hoping the nausea would pass."

Jessa Dugar was also thankful of her 19-year-old husband Ben, whom she married on November 1, 2014, for making her pregnancy as comfortable as possible. "He's so sweet," she said of Ben, "[He's been] waiting on me hand and foot."

Jessa has posted picture of her pregnancy on her Twitter account @jessaseewald. In one photo, she posted a simulated picture of a baby inside a womb. She captioned the picture, "So awe-inspiring to read about #BabySeewald's growth from week-to-week! #16Weeks "For You [God] formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well." - Psalm 139:13-14"

In another picture, Jessa took a selfie in front of a mirror while she was touching her belly in the couple's living room. She wrote "16 weeks, 1 day" on the photo.

Meanwhile, Jill and husband Derick Dillard, together with their infant son Israel, are reported to be going on the earthquake-ravished city of Kathmandu in Nepal, so fans of the 19 Kids and Counting will not be seeing the couple, reported Inquisitr.

The departure of Jill and Derick also puts into jeopardy TLC's reported plan to spiff off the controversial 19 Kids and Counting to feature the couple and their child Israel.

The report cited a source by the Mail that the couple decided to visit Nepal, which was hit by magnitude-7.9 earthquake on April 25, 2015 upon hearing news that aid and relief are lacking in the region, leaving thousands of survivors fighting over limited food and supplies.

Nepal plays an important place for Jill and Derrick. It was in that country where Derrick asked Jill to start their courtship.