2004 Baptist Assembly: A Prayer to Revive England

Several thousands of Baptists gathered in Cardiff, Wales for the 2004 Baptist Assembly on April 30-May 3, 2004. Throughout the conference, the keynote speaker - the Baptist World Alliance President Billy Kim - called on those assembled to bring about a second revival in England in preparation for the 100th Baptist World Congress.

“We need to pray that the UK will be come the catalyst for world mission and evangelization again,” said Kim.

Kim reminded the attendants of the sad truth in current day England: "Your inner cities have become spiritual wastelands, riddled with drugs and crime. Dying congregations

close their doors, and churches are converted into mosques and Buddhist temples."

Kim, however, also said there was a way to bring revival to England once more. The Christians must hold onto five fundamental keys: “prayer, starting churches, individual purification, constant praise and the persecution of the Christian Church”

"If we want to have revival, I believe there must be these five criteria" Kim said.

"Prayer is the premise for revival," Kim said, "unless we pray that God sends revival in our own lives, He will not send revival in our ministries. There must be, on the part of Christians, prayer that God will send revival to this great nation." Kim added, "Unless we are people of prayer, we cannot experience revival in our ministries. Unless we preach the Gospel and are purified, I cannot believe that God will send revival in our churches."

In terms of holiness, Kim said the church must set a moral standard and follow it without compromise.

"There must be holiness in our churches," Kim said, "Some of our churches have let their standards go so low that you don't know if it's a social club or a church. If we are to see revival, we must be holy. There must be no idolatry or compromise in conviction. We must be pure from immorality."

Encouraging the gatherers, Kim reminded them of the revival that happened in Wales in 1904 when more than 150,000 converts came to Jesus during the first four months of the year. He also told the listeners that it is possible for England to lead the world missions once again.

The 100th Baptist World Congress, which is expected to attract more than 15,000 Christians worldwide, has been slated for Birmingham, England, in July 27-31, 2005.