2nd Man Arrested for Christmas Day Church Robbery

Two men were arrested after a Christmas Day theft of tens of thousands of dollars in donations to a church, and about $6,000 in cash was recovered, prosecutors said.

NEW YORK (AP) - Two men were arrested after a Christmas Day theft of tens of thousands of dollars in donations to a church, and about $6,000 in cash was recovered, prosecutors said.

Christmas services were under way at St. Mel Catholic Church on Monday morning when thieves broke in through a back door and stole between $20,000 and $30,000 from a safe. The money had been donated to benefit needy children.

The crime was described as "brazen and heartless" by District Attorney Richard Brown Wednesday.

Daniel Morales, 26, was arrested Tuesday and was arraigned Wednesday on charges of burglary and grand larceny, prosecutors said. He faces up to seven years in prison if convicted.

Dennis Almodovar, 24, was arrested Wednesday. He was being held pending arraignment on charges of burglary, grand larceny and possession of stolen property.

The stolen cash was turned over to police on Wednesday night by an attorney representing Almodovar, prosecutors said.

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