4,000 Children Light 1 Million Candles During Vigil In Berlin

For the 1 million children worldwide who die each month of hunger, disease, or violence, 1 million candles were lit by 4,000 children

World Vision reminded Berliners of the plight of children in need with a "sea of lights" as 1 million candles were lit on the square surrounding the "victory column."

It took 4,000 children five hours to light all the candles. The lights symbolize the 1 million children worldwide who die each month of hunger, disease or violence. "Lights for Children" was a joint project of World Vision Germany, artist Misha Boulourie and composer Simon Stockhausen. Approximately 15,000 Berliners watched the vigil on Friday, as the children sang songs from around the globe.

World Vision estimates that more than 500 million children exist on less than US$1 per day, and 150 million children are chronically undernourished.

Most recently World Vision visited the war-torn region of Darfur in western Sudan where thousands of children are starving after recent violence displaced an estimated one million people from their homes.

After an initial visit to displacement camps in the region, World Vision confirmed that the needs for water, sanitation, nutrition, shelter, and basic health care are overwhelming. Many camps are receiving little or no assistance. Ongoing violence continues to worsen the humanitarian situation.

Founded in 1950, World Vision is a non-profit Christian humanitarian organization serving the world's poorest children and families in nearly 100 countries.