Slovakia - UPC (University Pastoral Center) in Bratislava held its 8th annual Conference of Concerts of Prays and Praises.
Around 800 young people came to listen to 6 worship bands, join more than 30 seminars, even though the organizators from Center of preparation for Concerts of Prays and Praises (COPP) expected more people, while "they prepared for the program more deligently than for other years". "Our goals is to coorporate with the most of the christian organizations in Bratislava".
On thursday morning first seminars began and Lamacske chvaly, slovak band with Brano Letka as a leader, opened the Conference. Thursday evening served for workers of International Univerzity of Nations YWAM. Ad de Bruin, who worked last 7 years as misionarry in Uganda, Africa led the discussion 'To whom are you given'.
On friday led the praises Karel Rezabek from Plzen, Czech republic. Steve Murray mimic from England, John de Jong from Manchester, Stasek Bubik one of the most progressive czech evangelist affirmed God's Power and Grace in our lives.
On saturday and sunday emphasized Gerald Coates, from Great Britain the last vers from Old Testament: "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse", and took part in drama, where conflict of father and his son ended with great conciliation.
Next conference: 'Generation of saved one' will take part in Prievidza on 28-29th of february 2004.